Note: this code is deprecated! Superseded by
Contains several extensible images for providing personal cloud services:
- MySQL database (for services that depend on it);
- Nginx frontend (reverse proxy for other services);
- TinyTinyRSS (web-based RSS reader);
- Seafile (file synchronization application);
- Docker >= 1.13
- Docker Compose >= 1.10.0
In order to initialize and configure the desired containers, please read through their separate documentation pages:
You can use the images by creating a compose file and declaring the services you need, e.g.:
Copy the sample docker-compose.yml file and edit it to fit your needs.
Initialize the services:
Some services need to be initialized before running them.
You need to do this in topological order of their dependencies, e.g. if you want to use a container that depends on MySQL, you must first initialize the MySQL container.
Please check the documentation for the services you want to use!
- Test and deploy!
After you successfully initialized and tested each container individually, the final step is to run them all and enjoy:
docker-compose up
Optionally, create an init script for automatically starting the containers at boot time. Check the distrib/ directory for script examples.
If you want to build your own images, just use the supplied Makefile:
make IMAGE_PREFIX=your-prefix/ NO_CACHE=1 all
make push # push them to docker hub (if you need)
Don't forget to change the docker-compose file image prefixes if you decided to change it!