Installation from Ansible Galaxy

ansible-galaxy collection install nifr.<collection_name>

The installation path is the first existing directory in Ansible's collections path (added in v2.10).

The collections path is configured using the environment variable ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH or in ansible.cfg:

collections_path = ~/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections

The default path is ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/nifr/<collection_name>/.

Installation from git

ansible-galaxy collection install git+<collection_name>,main

Installation from git with requirements.yml

Add a requirements.yml to your playbook directory.

roles: []

  - name: nifr.inventory_scripts
    type: git
    version: main
    source: git+<collection_name>/

Now install the dependencies with the ansible-galaxy command.

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Testing a collection

Ansible's official test tool ansible-test was released with ansible 2.9. (See: tests directory, Testing Collections)

pipx install --python=python3.9 --include-deps --force --pip-args='--pre' 'ansible >= 3.0.0, == 3.0.*, < 3.1'
git clone ansible_collections
cd ansible_collections/nifr/<collection_name>/
ansible-test --sanity --list
ansible-test --sanity --docker default -v


List of Collections in this Repository

Create a JSON array of collections and current versions from this repository.

mkdir ansible_collections
cd ansible_collections

curl -sSL \
  | tar xzf - --strip-components=1

  ansible-galaxy collection list \
    | tail -n +5 \
    | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $1, $2}' \
    | jq -R '[ split("\t") | {name: .[0], version: .[1]} ]'

Example Output:

    "name": "nifr.<collection_name>",
    "version": "0.0.1"

Further Information