
An ansible role to install zsh-users/antigen.

MIT LicenseMIT


An ansible role to install zsh-users/antigen.


The preferred way to install this role is through ansible-galaxy.

ansible-galaxy install nifr.antigen


After installation you can use antigen in your ~/.zshrc (local) or /etc/zsh/zshrc (global).

Example .zshrc:

# Add antigen's path to the "fpath" array (which corresponds to $FPATH)
fpath=("$HOME/.local/share/zsh/functions" $fpath)

# Load antigen from zsh's function path. 
# -U causes alias expansion to be suppressed when the function is loaded.
# -z flags makes the function be loaded using zsh-style autoloading
autoload -Uz antigen

# This is a shortcut for "antigen bundle robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh"
antigen use oh-my-zsh

# Load a single plugin with the "antigen bundle" command
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting

# Load multiple plugins at once
antigen bundles <<EOBUNDLES

  # This plugin adds many completions that are not included by default.

  # An intelligent helper that will replace the current (or previous) command line 
  # with the command you will want to run next. Press Ctrl+U to activate.

  # A very minimal prompt that includes git status information and little more.



antigen_install_global: false
antigen_file_owner:     ~
antigen_file_path:      ~{{ antigen_file_owner }}/.local/share/antigen/antigen.zsh
antigen_file_group:     {{ antigen_file_owner }}
antigen_file_mode:      0700
antigen_download_url:   https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zsh-users/antigen/master/antigen.zsh
antigen_download_force: false


antigen_install_global (bool)

This setting configures wether to install antigen into a user's $HOME directory or globally for all users. It defaults to a local installation.

true =>
   antigen_file_owner: {{ remote_user }}
   antigen_file_path:  ~{{ remote_user }}/.local/share/zsh/functions/antigen
   antigen_file_mode:  0700

false =>
   antigen_file_owner: root
   antigen_file_path:  /usr/share/zsh/functions/antigen
   antigen_file_mode: 0755

antigen_file_path (string:file-path)

The target path where antigen should be downloaded to.

Defaults to:

  • %HOME%/.local/share/antigen/antigen.zsh for local installation
  • /usr/share/antigen/antigen.zsh for global installation

antigen_file_owner (string:username)

The user for which antigen should be installed. This defaults to the ansible's SSH user on the remote machine.

antigen_file_mode (string:file-mode)

The file-mode passed to CHMOD - defaults to 0700 and 0755 if the username is 'root'.

antigen_download_url (string:url)

The URL where antigen should be downloaded from.

antigen_download_force (bool)

This setting configures wether antigen should be downloaded even if the file already exists.
