

Primary LanguageCSS


###Installing Dependencies

  1. Bower: bower install
  2. Node Modules: sudo npm install


  1. grunt build

###Installing Backend (steps to be followed in order):

  1. Mysql Server and client (Ubuntu): sudo apt-get install mysql-server; apt-get install mysql-client
  2. Installing Virtualenv for python (Ubuntu): sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
  3. Creating Virtualenv : virtualenv env_1
  4. Activating virtualenv : source bin/env_1/activate
  5. Installing python packages via pip (from requirements.txt file) : pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Installing gunicorn via apt-get (ubuntu) : sudo apt-get install gunicorn
  7. Installing Supervisor via apt-get (ubuntu) : sudo apt-get install -y supervisor (links: http://goo.gl/wbYcYq, http://goo.gl/Z8tlVO)
  8. Make a new supervisor conf - /etc/supervisor/conf.d/hyrenow.conf with following content : [program:hyrenow] command = /home/hyrenow/env_1/bin/gunicorn run:app directory = /home/hyrenow
  9. Use following commands to manage supervisor : sudo supervisorctl reread sudo supervisorctl update sudo supervisorctl start hyrenow