
Javascript code for the Building Systems with the ChatGPT API short course.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Building Systems with the ChatGPT API

Test code for Building Systems with the ChatGPT API. This is based on the DeepLearning.AI, ChatGPT Building Systems with the ChatGPT API course. In this repository I have converted all of the examples from Python to JavaScript.

Set Up


If you want to try these out you will first need to setup your own ChatGPT secret key in your local environment. Here is how you get a key. Once you have this put it in a local (server side) environment variable. For example in Mac OS, assuming you are using zsh, append the following to the file .zshenv in you own home directory:

export OPENAI_API_KEY='your_secret_key_value'

When you restart the shell or your machine the environment value OPENAI_API_KEY will be available to the helper.js.

Node and JS

Before trying any of the exercises don't for get to run npm install in the ./gptsystem directory to install the Node modules needed. In the root directory you will see the helper.js, all of the exercises use this to make their calls to the ChatGPT API. In each subdirectory you will find a *.js file and, sometimes, some supporting text files. Each JS file contains multiple prompts. Generally there are a couple of lines near the end of the file, such as:

let completion = await getCompletion(prompt8);

In most cases you can just change the prompt passed to the getCompletion() function to try different exercises out. In some cases you will see code block commented out using the \* ... *\ comment markers. In these cases the commented code blocks will have their own calls to getCompletion(), often in a loop of some kind. If you uncomment these blocks then be sure to comment out the last to calls above while you run that exercise.