Basic Narakeet example

This example shows how the basic features of Narakeet.

Check out the outcome in result.mp4.

Try it out

Upload the script directory to a Narakeet project. The main script file is

How it works

Narakeet creates a video from one or scenes. Each scene can include videos, images, audio or narration.

Adding images and videos

In the Markdown script file format, you can add images or videos by using the standard Markdown syntax (![](file)).


Adding narration

Narakeet automatically generates narration from scene text. The following scene will include an image, and automatically generated voice narration:


Welcome to London

Using your audio

Instead of automatically generated narration, you can add your own audio files, with recorded voice, music or something else to play during a scene. To do so, just add (audio: file) in a separate paragraph. For example, this scene will show an image from london.jpg and play the audio from london-audio.mp3:


(audio: london-audio.mp3)

Adding scenes

To add more scenes, use three or more dashes (---) as a separator. The following script file creates two scenes:


Welcome to London



Welcome to Berlin

More examples

Next, check out the voices example to see how to control the narration voice, or the subtitles example for information on how to generate subtitles for your video.