
A Wercker step to send an event notification to PagerDuty of whether the pipeline failed or (optionally) succeeded.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Send an event notification to PagerDuty of whether the pipeline failed or (optionally) succeeded. It is intended to be used in an after-step. Your box must have curl installed.

See https://v2.developer.pagerduty.com/docs/trigger-events for details of the event notification that is generated by this step.

PagerDuty is a registered trademark of PagerDuty, Inc in the United States.


  • service-key (required) Service key required by PagerDuty.
  • url (optional) URL to which notifications will be sent. The default value is https://events.pagerduty.com/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json
  • notify-on (optional) If set to failed (which is the default) then a notification is sent only if the pipeline has failed. If set to all (or any other value) then a notification is sent both when the pipeline succeeds and fails.
  • branch (optional) If set then a notification will only be sent for runs on the given branch
  • client (optional) Specifies the client field of the notification. This is defined as the name of the monitoring client that is triggering this event.
  • client-url (optional) Specifies the client_url field of the notification. This is defined as the URL of the monitoring client that is triggering this event.

Note that the description field of the notification is set automatically. For example:

Pipeline 'deploy' for myapp by nigeldeakin has failed on branch master at step: 'Do something'. See https://app.wercker.com/nigeldeakin/myapp/deploy/5b9fab2bc81a8a00066d8c1b.


    - nigeldeakin/pagerduty-notifier:
        service-key: $PAGERDUTY_SERVICE_KEY 
        branch: master   



  • Initial release