Data::Fetch - give advance warning that you'll be needing a value
Version 0.06
Sometimes we know in advance that we'll be needing a value which is going to take a long time to compute or determine. This module fetches the value in the background so that you don't need to wait so long when you need the value.
use CalculatePi;
use Data::Fetch;
my $fetcher = Data::Fetch->new();
my $pi = CalculatePi->new(places => 1000000);
$fetcher->prime(object => $pi, message => 'as_string'); # Warn we'll run $pi->as_string() in the future
# Do other things
print $fetcher->get(object => $pi, message => 'as_string'), "\n"; # Runs $pi->as_string()
Creates a Data::Fetch object. Takes no argument.
Say what is is you'll be needing later. Call in an array context if get() is to be used in an array context.
Takes two mandatory parameters:
object - the object you'll be sending the message to
message - the message you'll be sending
Takes one optional parameter:
arg - passes this argument to the message
Retrieve get a value you've primed. Call in an array context only works if prime() was called in an array context, or the value wasn't primed
Takes two mandatory parameters:
object - the object you'll be sending the message to
message - the message you'll be sending
Takes one optional parameter:
arg - passes this argument to the message
If you don't prime it will still work and store the value for subsequent calls, but in this scenerio you gain nothing over using CHI to cache your values.
Nigel Horne, <njh at>
Can't pass more than one argument to the message.
I would not advise using this to call messages that change values in the object.
Changing a value between prime and get will not necessarily get you the data you want. That's the way it works and isn't going to change.
If you change a value between two calls of get(), the earlier value is always used. This is definitely a feature not a bug.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-data-fetch at
or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
See This code could produce the "attempt to prime twice" if you're unlucky and Perl assigns the same address to the new object as the old object.
my $fetch = Data::Fetch->new();
my $data = Class::Simple->new();
$fetch->prime(object => $data, message => 'get');
$fetch->get(object => $data, message => 'get');
$data = Class::Simple->new(); # Possibly the address of $data isn't changed
$fetch->prime(object => $data, message => 'get'); # <<<< This could produce the error
Perhaps the use of
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Data::Fetch
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Copyright 2010-2020 Nigel Horne.
This program is released under the following licence: GPL2