
Photography Display System

Primary LanguagePerl


Photography Display System

Create a VWF website to display your images.

Photographs are organized into sections, which in turn are organized into albums. For example, you could have an album called "holiday pictures" which contains sections such as "trip to India 2017" in which you put your photographs.

Database Format

Each of the above databases (albums, sections, photographs) are stored in simple CSV files (XML and SQLite are also supported) in the databases directory. The only "gotcha" is that fields are separated by '!' not ','. The first line of each file lists the fields in the file.


Entry Title
Album: "A", followed by a number Free text
A1 Pictures of England


Entry Section Title
Album: "A", followed by a number Section: "S" followed by a number Free text
A1 S1 Pictures of Margate


Entry Section Photograph File Title
Album: "A", followed by a number Section: "S" followed by a number Photograph: "P" followed by a number Filename in /img Free text
A1 S1 P1 Margate.jpeg Margate Clock Tower - taken from the Wikipedia page


The images are put in album/section, in the above example that means .../img/A1/S1/Margate.jpeg


Create a $hostname.com file in the conf directory (use default as a template), then modify the contents of the template tree so that the site looks as you want it. The configuration file can be in any number of formats including INI and XML.

root_dir: /full/path/to/website directory
SiteTitle: The title of your website
memory_cache: where short-term volatile information is stored, such as the country of origin of the client
disc_cache: where long-term information is stored, such as copies of output to see if HTTP 304 can be returned
contact: your name and e-mail address

Adding a photograph

To upload, store picture in img/A?/S? (e.g. img/A4/S2/tulip.jpg) Run "bin/mkthumbs img/A4/S2 thumbs/A4/S2" Edit the following files in the databases directory:

  • albumbs.csv
  • sections.csv
  • photographs.csv


So many Perl CPAN modules that if I list them all I'll miss one.

Magnific Popup http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/


  • Thumbnails and Image::Info

  • Finish print.css


Copyright 2017-2023 Nigel Horne.

This program is released under the following licence: GPL2 for personal use on a single computer. All other users (for example Commercial, Charity, Educational, Government) must apply in writing for a licence for use from Nigel Horne at <njh at nigelhorne.com>.