

Project part of NASA and CSA's space apps challenge, with efforts to communicate the changing climate with Canadian space data to the general public. This Hackathon took place in Kitchener, Ontario.


Screeenshot The above image is a user-friendly landing page with a modern UI and animations, so that users will feel comfortable entering the site and exporing more aspects of it.

Screeenshot The above image serves to explain the role of a particular green house gas in climate change, along with a gif of weather changes over time, for illustration purposes.

Screeenshot The above image shows a user hovering over a province (Ontario), and upon clicking can view more information regarding the impact of climate change on the province/city as well as the province/city's contribution to climate change.

Main Idea / Function of this Webpage

To show climate science data in a modern and user friendly way to the general public. The current webpages found on NASA and CSA's webage that holds climate science data looks extremely outdated. There are significant recent strides made in NASA's webpage to promote climate change in a more user-friendly fashion. This site is to take the climate change data privided by NASA and the CSA and show it to the public in the most engaging way possible.


  • Download or Clone this repository
  • Open index.html using a browser

Concerns and Issues

  • There was trouble parsing the data properly from the CSA dataset
  • ArcGIS/QGIS was unable to properly represent the data on a map
  • Used Python to get some information from .ns file to .csv
  • Mapbox 3D map visualization tool was not displaying data correctly