
This is a chrome extention that replaces all images on a webpage with dogs (can be replaced with any picture). It is served to be an introduction to creating web extensions. Image files and code tutorial was provided by Canada Learning Code.


An example site with images


This is a regular photography website with an abundance of images that the chrome extension can replace.

The site after the extension was executed


The images on the webiste was replaces with dogs and puppies. There are some images that are repeated


  • Need to activate developer mode in Chrome in order to add the extension
  • Load unpacked and navigate to the project folder
  • Click on the extension icon when on desired webpage and all images will be replaced with dogs

Future Considerations

  • Replace image on page prior to page load to save on loading time in areas with slow internet speeds or low badwidths
  • User input image replacement
  • Automatically replaces image instead of the click event listener
  • Ability to check for unique images