
Client part of X, in Node.js & browser, demo:

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Client part of X, in Node.js & browser.

X is a universal model layer for browser apps based on websocket (realized withdnode & shoe).



in Node.js

npm install x-client
var X = require('x-client');

in browser

bower install x-client
<script type="text/javascript" src="../bower_components/x-client/dist/X.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	var X = window.X;


	.config({ token:'FAKETOKEN1QAZ2WSX3EDC' })

var TestModel = X.model('test');

	name: 'test1',
	cnt: {
		a: 1
}, function(err, obj){
	// null, { ..., _id: '...' }

TestModel.list(function(err, res){
	// null, [{ ..., _id: '...' }]

TestModel.on('change', function(info){
    console.info('changed', info.type, info.data);
    // { type: 'create', data: [{ ..., _id: '...' }] }


X properties

  • X.isReady

    true / false

    if X connection is ready

X methods

  • X.config

    [ { token: ... } ] -> X

    pass in config, token is required

  • X.connect

    [ 'server.address.with.x.service:port' ] -> X

    connect to given server (should be a server with X service)

  • X.ready

    [ handler() ] -> X

    handler will be executed while X service ready (executed immediately if already ready)

  • X.model

    [ 'name' ] -> model

    define a model with name

  • X.noConflict (only in browser)

    [] -> X

    relinquish control of the X variable.

model methods

see here


in Node.js

npm test

in browser

open test/browser/index.html in browser

Build (dist file for browser)

npm run build