
JobsD - A distributed, database backed, reliable job queuing and execution framework

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A distributed and reliable database backed, job execution framework

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Download it

go get -u github.com/simpleframeworks/jobsd

How does it work? (in short)

  • A db table is a queue.
  • Every "job run" has an associated db row.
  • Instances in a cluster compete to acquire and run a job (without locking).
  • A worker pool runs jobs.
  • A new reoccurring scheduled "job run" is created after a "job run" is complete.
  • The db queue and the local JobsD instance queue are periodically synchronized.

Quick Example

Announce the time every minute on the minute.

jd := jobsd.New(db) // Create a JobsD service instance

// Register a Job that announces the time
jd.RegisterJob("Announce", func(name string) error {
  fmt.Printf("Hi %s! The date/time is %s.\n", name, time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123))
  return nil

// Register a schedule that tells JobsD when to trigger next
jd.RegisterSchedule("OnTheMin", func(now time.Time) time.Time {
  return time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), now.Hour(), now.Minute()+1, 0, 0, now.Location())

jd.Up() // Bring up the JobsD service

// Create and schedule the job "Announce" to run "OnTheMin"
jd.CreateRun("Announce", "Simon").Schedule("OnTheMin").Run()

<-time.After(2*time.Minute) // Should really wait for OS kill signal here

jb.Down() // Shutdown the JobsD service instance, wait for running jobs to complete, record stats, and tidy up

A runnable example can be found in the examples folder. Just run it go run main.go from the directory.

Basic Usage

Creating jobs

The characteristics of a job is as follows:

  • Jobs are just funcs
  • Jobs must return an error
  • Jobs can have a number of params
  • Across a cluster all jobs should be named the same and have the same implementation.
    • Not all jobs need to implemented across the cluster (facilitates new code and new jobs)
  • All jobs need to be registered before the instance Up() func is called
  • The first argument can optional be of the type jobsd.RunInfo
    • RunInfo contains a Cancel channel for graceful shutdown / timeout amongst other things
jobFunc1 := func() error {
  return nil

jobFunc2 := func(name string, age int) error {
  return nil

jd.RegisterJob("job1", jobFunc1)
jd.RegisterJob("job2", jobFunc2)

Creating Schedules

A schedule is a simple function that takes in the current time and returns the next scheduled time.

  • Schedules must be registered before the Up() func is called
afterASecond := func(now time.Time) time.Time {
  return now.Add(time.Second)

onTheMin := func(now time.Time) time.Time {
  return time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), now.Hour(), now.Minute()+1, 0, 0, now.Location())

onTheHour := func(now time.Time) time.Time {
  return time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), now.Hour()+1, 0, 0, 0, now.Location())

jd.RegisterSchedule("afterASecond", afterASecond)
jd.RegisterSchedule("onTheMin", onTheMin)
jd.RegisterSchedule("onTheHour", onTheHour)

Running jobs

A job run is an instance of a job to be executed. A job must be registered first before creating a job run using jd.CreateRun("job1", args...)

jobFunc := func(txt string) error {
  fmt.Printf("Hello %s!", txt)
  return nil
scheduleFunc := func(now time.Time) time.Time {
  return now.Add(time.Second)

jd := New(db)

jd.RegisterJob("job1", jobFunc)

jd.RegisterSchedule("schedule1", scheduleFunc)


jd.CreateRun("job1", "World A").Run() // Run job1 once immediately
jd.CreateRun("job1", "World B").RunDelayed(time.Second) // Run job1 once after one second

jd.CreateRun("job1", "World C").Schedule("schedule1").Limit(2).Run() // Run job1 every second twice
jd.CreateRun("job1", "World D").Schedule("schedule1").Limit(2).RunAfter(time.Second) // After one second schedule job1 to run twice

// Runs only one "GlobalUniqueJob1" job at a time, across a cluster of JobsD instances
jd.CreateRun("job1", "World E").Unique("GlobalUniqueJob1").Run() 

// Runs and schedules only one "GlobalUniqueJob2" job at a time, across a cluster of JobsD instances. Runs only twice.
jd.CreateRun("job1", "World F").Schedule("schedule1").Limit(2).Unique("GlobalUniqueJob2").Run() 

<-time.After(10 * time.Second)
jd.Down() // Make sure to shutdown to cleanup and record stats

Getting the job run state:

id, err := jd.CreateRun("job1", "World A").Run()

runState := jd.GetRunState(id) // Get the run state of the job.


err = runState.Refresh() // Refreshes the run state.

Advanced Usage

jd := New(db)

jd.WorkerNum(10) // Set the number of workers to run the jobs

jd.PollInterval(10*time.Second) // The time between checks for new jobs across the cluster

jd.PollLimit(100) // The number of jobs to retrieve across the cluster at once

Error handling

A job func needs to return an error . If an error is returned a job can be retried. You can set how many times a retry is attempted

Error retries instance defaults

jd.RetriesErrorLimit(3) // How many times to retry a job when an error is returned (-1 = unlimited)

Error retries can be set on the Job

jd.RegisterJob("job1", jobFunc).RetriesErrorLimit(2) // -1 = unlimited

Error retries can be set on the Job Run

jd.CreateRun("job1", "World A").RetriesErrorLimit(2).Run() // -1 = unlimited


IMPORTANT: Timeouts will not kill running jobs, they will keep running. In order to cancel a running job on time out, add the jobsd.RunInfo as the first argument in your job and use the jobsd.RunInfo.Cancel channel (see example below).

Timeouts instance defaults

jd.RunTimeout(30*time.Minute) // How long before retrying a job (0 disables time outs)

jd.RetriesTimeoutLimit(3) // How many times to retry a job when it times out (-1 = unlimited)

jd.TimeoutCheck(10*time.Second) // The time between checks for jobs that have timed out (or crashed) on other nodes in the cluster

Timeouts can be set on the Job

jd.RegisterJob("job1", jobFunc).RunTimeout(10*time.Minute).RetriesTimeoutLimit(2) 
// RunTimeout set to 0 disables time outs
// RetriesTimeoutLimit set to -1 = unlimited

Timeouts can be set on a Job Run

jd.CreateRun("job1", "World A").RunTimeout(1*time.Minute).RetriesTimeoutLimit(5).Run() 
// RunTimeout set to 0 disables time outs
// RetriesTimeoutLimit set to -1 = unlimited

Canceling a job on timeout / shutdown

Create a job like the following

jobFunc := func(info RunInfo) error {
			select {
			case <-time.After(timeout + 10*time.Second):
				fmt.Println("Did some work")
			case <-info.Cancel:
				fmt.Println("Job canceled")
		return nil

jd.RegisterJob("CancelableJob", jobFunc)


PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL are supported out of the box.

Using PostgreSQL

host := os.Getenv("JOBSD_PG_HOST")
port := os.Getenv("JOBSD_PG_PORT")
dbname := os.Getenv("JOBSD_PG_DB")
user := os.Getenv("JOBSD_PG_USER")
password := os.Getenv("JOBSD_PG_PASSWORD")
dsn := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s user=%s password=%s dbname=%s port=%s sslmode=disable", host, user, password, dbname, port)

db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})

jd := New(db)

Using MySQL

host := os.Getenv("JOBSD_MY_HOST")
port := os.Getenv("JOBSD_MY_PORT")
dbname := os.Getenv("JOBSD_MY_DB")
user := os.Getenv("JOBSD_MY_USER")
password := os.Getenv("JOBSD_MY_PASSWORD")
dsn := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local", user, password, host, port, dbname)

db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{
  Logger: logc.NewGormLogger(logger),

jd := New(db)

Using SQLite

db, err0 := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("file::memory:"), &gorm.Config{
  Logger: logc.NewGormLogger(logger),

sqlDB, err := db.DB()

// SQLLite does not work with concurrent connections

jd := New(db)

Disable Auto Migrations

Auto migrations create the DB tables and structure required for JobsD. It is run when starting JobsD Up(). Auto migrations are only required the first time JobsD runs so it can be disabled using the following method.


// Register Jobs and Schedules etc...



A logger can be supplied. The logger must implement the logc interface

jd := New(db)