PET/CT Superresolution and Tumor Synthesis


This project addresses the challenge of low CT resolution in PET/CT images. In cases where the CT signal fails to reveal details visible in the PET signal, we employ tumor synthesis on the CT component using the PET signal. The synthesized image is then subjected to superresolution to generate high-quality CT images suitable for use in medical imaging.

Key Objectives:

  1. Resolution Enhancement using PET Signal:

    • Compensate for low CT resolution by leveraging information from the PET signal.
  2. Tumor Synthesis on CT Images:

    • Employ tumor synthesis on the CT component using the PET signal to enhance visibility.
  3. Superresolution for Medical Imaging:

    • Apply superresolution techniques to produce high-resolution CT images suitable for medical applications.

Code and Usage:

The code for this project is provided in the 'inference2.ipynb' file, documented step by step. Empty code sections will be populated in future updates. Code explanations are kept straightforward for ease of understanding.


  • This project is aimed at advancing PET/CT imaging by addressing low CT resolution issues through PET signal-based tumor synthesis and subsequent superresolution. It is designed to contribute to the field of medical imaging, particularly in enhancing the quality of CT images derived from PET/CT scans.