Look-a-like itunes prototype, focusing on API endpoints. The application is built on Spring with Maven. It supports Thymeleaf and API endpoints.
The application can be found on Heroku: Prototype on Heroku
The application comes with a postman collection, testing the Heroku endpoints. The collection can be found in resources.
Thymeleaf is a part of the application, and can be found at the root path. The thymeleaf site has:
- 5 random tracks
- 5 random genres
- 5 random artists
- A Search bar for searching for songs.
The application responds to severel different API calls. They can be found in /api/ The following endpoints exist:
- Read all customers (GET /api/customers)
- Read specific customer (GET /api/customers/X)
- Update an existing customer (PUT /api/customers/X)
- List countries by most customers ( GET /api/customers/countries)
- List customers by highest spending ( GET /api/customers/spenders)
- Most popular genre for specific customer ( GET /api/customers/X/genre)
- Add customer (POST /api/customers)