
Adds a range input slider to a leaflet map which automatically update when the input value is changed by calling a function taking the value as a parameter.

Check out the Demo.

Using Leaflet-Slider :

The slider can be insterted like this: you create the control. The slider's id (in the options) must be the same as the variable name of the slider. For instance in the following code, options should have id: "newSlider" as a propertie. The function fn should only take the value of the input as a parameter and will be called when the input value is changed.

newSlider = L.control.slider(<Function> fn, axis, <Control.Slider options> options);

Simple usage example :

slider = L.control.slider(function(value) {console.log(value);},'vertical', {id:slider});
slider2 = L.control.slider(function(value) {alert(value);}, 'horizontal', {id:slider2});

Options :

  • width: width of the slider, default is ‘100px’.
  • position: position of the slider, default is ‘topright’. See L.Control in leaflet’s API.
  • min: minimal value of the slider, default is 0.
  • max: maximal value of the slider, default is 100.
  • step: incremental step of values in range, default is 1.
  • id: name of the slider, must be the same name as the name of the slider’s variable, default is “slider”.
  • value: onload value of the slider, default is 50.
  • collapsed: wether the slider collapses when it looses focus, default is true.
  • title: value of the title attribute, default is 'Leaflet Slider'.
  • logo: letter on the button when collapsed, default is 'S'.
  • orientation: orientation of the slider, either 'horizontal' or 'vertical', default is 'horizontal'.
  • showValue: wether or not the value of the input should be shown next to the slider, default is true.
  • getValue: the function called to transform the input of the slider into the value shown by showValue, default is function(value) {return value;}.