- 18
Nightguard with Gluroo
#322 opened by Cheun1 - 9
- 23
No regular data update on the Apple Watch
#320 opened by Stefan-Wolff - 5
Doesn't show on Apple watch
#293 opened by ASF93 - 11
Incorrect time in text complication
#310 opened by ermanitu - 21
- 1
Can anyone help?
#307 opened by DancerEm - 1
Applewatch series 3
#303 opened by alinembatista - 12
Wrong BG Low notifications
#274 opened by frankdegroodt - 8
Watch app doesn't show up to install
#286 opened by jsf1970 - 21
Large iPhone widget and "last updated" timestamp
#312 opened by Argon- - 3
User manual to explain items in display
#270 opened by Oren-Yul - 13
- 6
Nightguard values on IWATCH
#265 opened by Evs-nazgul - 6
Cannot set temporary target with nightscout 15
#311 opened by khskekec - 2
- 1
Apple Watch show no data/graph
#282 opened by engezound - 22
Enter insulin bolus treatments
#300 opened by poml88 - 2
Feature request: toggle critical alarms on/off
#276 opened by dexterbooty - 2
Missed Readings....
#280 opened by DJAnj - 17
- 9
Numbers on bottom axis illegible
#288 opened by Chicagogrl - 2
APP homepage does not display charts on IOS
#287 opened by fanshengshuai - 4
- 1
Apple Health
#294 opened by eichmat - 17
No more background alarms
#290 opened by motinis - 80
- 1
- 9
Question on Watch UI layout
#299 opened by poml88 - 1
URL no longer supports tinyurl redirects
#295 opened by motinis - 7
- 3
- 10
#279 opened by danielcapitaine - 5
Update past data from nightscout
#309 opened by poml88 - 5
Yesterday's BGs no longer show.
#266 opened by bgga12 - 2
Apple Watch app not loading data
#313 opened by julio8a - 16
Blood Sugar graph errors
#278 opened by Michaelmarks768 - 117
Is there an option to monitor two Nightscout applications for two patients on iPhone?
#285 opened by ayanovsk - 7
URL disappeared
#315 opened by Kym1593 - 5
Nightguard Apple Watch issues
#289 opened by mdhdixie06 - 35
Question mark on Apple Watch complication
#271 opened by Pensiondude - 7
Widget time intervals
#281 opened by Argon- - 16
I watch not showing on main dusplay
#283 opened by Oren-Yul - 13
- 4
Watch OS 8 support?
#273 opened by savek-cc - 5
- 10
- 1
Complication Not in Sync with Watch App
#306 opened by nectario - 5
Cryptic value in watch complication
#272 opened by gemueselasagne - 18