
Personal i3-wm configuration and helpers

Primary LanguageShellDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Personal i3wm config files


Clean shot, no windows[ Clean shot, no windows ] Some terminals open, nothing unusual[ Some terminals open, nothing unusual ] GVim running[ GVim running ] Vim running in gnome-terminal[ Vim running in gnome-terminar ]



  • Droid Sans Mono


  • i3 (dohh)
  • dmenu
  • conky
  • nitrogen (optional, for easily changing wallpapers)
  • i3lock (optional)

Other stuff I use within i3

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • $mod+Shift+Return launches gvim
  • $mod+Shift+F1 launches icedove
  • $mod+Shift+F2 launches dwb, an excellent lightweight, vimified Webkit browser
  • $mod+Shift+F3 launches iceweasel, which is the Debian version of Firefox
  • $mod+Shift+p shows a quick htop via gnome-terminal -e htop
  • Print for taking screenshots via ksnapshot (customize as you wish)
  • $mod+Print calls a dirty hack for locking the screen (a custom xflock4)
  • $mod+Shift+F5 calls a custom script named camshot (included)
  • $mod+Shift+Delete calls a custom script named toggle_touchpad (included)
  • XF86AudioRaiseVolume calls volnoti-handle.sh up (included)

The custom scripts

First, find them in the scripts/ directory. Then symlink them to /usr/bin/ or /usr/local/bin/ or in whatever is in your $PATH variable. Take a look at it in your terminal: $ echo $PATH.

ln -s $HOME/.i3/scripts/toggle_touchpad /usr/local/bin/toggle_touchpad
  • toggle_touchpad is a small script that uses synclient to toggle the touchpad state on and off
  • camshot uses fswebcam to take a quick picture with your webcam and save it (useful in various situations)
  • volnoti-handle.sh is a volnoti wrapper to quickly adjust the volume with lightweight dependencies. Since I rely on Kmix for some time now, I disabled it, but it's still a great option for the resource freaks.
  • my version of xflock4 is a hack, since I use the power manager from Xfce and it relies in xflock to lock the screen. I simply uninstalled the thing and replaced it with a custom made i3lock wrapper (check the source). Then again, adjust as you wish, maybe fork and improve it since it's just a hackish prototype for now. The i3lock wrapper wasn't my idea, but I can't remember who I should credit for it :-(

The startup stuff

  • NetworkManager, via nm-applet - can't live with it, can't live without it...
  • nitrogen, because I like the easy wallpaper switching and multi-head options
  • (optional, disabled) background setting via feh, using a custom NG PotD scraper available via GitHub. The scraper is called via cron, downloads the image and forces a symlink for feh to grab and set as wallpaper.
  • Kmix (only suitable for people with heavy KDE deps installed too)
  • Redshift, which does wonders for the eyes at night
  • Xfce power manager daemon, lightweight and efficient


Copyright © 2014 Victor Nițu victor@debian.org.ro This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details.