- Package
Automatic evaluation of the model that drives the car
This program will evaluate the performance of a model by running it a number of times in a simulator and displaying the results obtained (number of laps, time taken, off road, timout, ...)
This program has been developed for Python 3.9. The installation uses PyPi and virtual Env (venv).
- Git clone the project
In the repository :
- make install
- source ./venv/bin/activate
- python src/dcevaluator/launch.py MODEL_PATH by replacing MODEL_PATH with the path of the model to be tested.
The program reads the recorded models in a very particular way (records the source code of the wrapper and the weights of the neural network).
It may be necessary to adapt the Brain class to communicate with the Evaluator.
This will be the subject of the next improvement.
- --evaluation-name
Name of the evaluation
- --host
host to connect to a server like ip address with string
- --port
port to connect to a server with int
- --evaluation-scene
scene to load before the evaluation
- --log-path
the path of the generated log file
- --nbr-turns-limit
limit number of turns from which the evaluation is stopped (to avoid that the car drives to infinity).
- --nbr-epochs
number of epochs, i.e. the number of times the experiment is reproduced. This prevents us from evaluating once and having surprising results on a stroke of luck.
- --max-time-to-wait
waiting time for a controller ready to drive the car.
- --delay-between-check-interval
delay between each verification interval when waiting for a controller to be ready.
- --delay-before-launch-car
delay time after a scene reset before launching the car. This allows us to be sure that all components are loaded before starting the evaluation.
- --poll-socket-sleep-sec
time to sleep before polling socket
- --buffer-message-size-read
number of bits to read into the socket
- --delatime-to-compute-fps
deltatime between computation of the FPS
- --margin-before-car-leaving-road
distance from the center of the road at the active node to the car. Maximum value from which it can be considered that the car has left the road
- --deltatime-min-between-turns
minimum time interval between two turns from which we can count a turn (incrementation)
- --node-after-start-detection-turn
node from which we can possibly count a turn. (To avoid false positives on the rest of the road)
- --deltatime-max-between-nodes
Maximum time interval to travel the distance between two nodes. If the vehicle takes too long, it is probably stuck somewhere but not far enough off the road to be considered 'off road'.
- --deltatime-max-after-driving-to-reach-first-node
Maximum time interval for the car to reach a node if its default settings have not been changed when the car is launched. This is the case when the car moves before the real start and the evaluator has not captured this departure because the simulator does not respond.
- --buffer-requests-size
Size of buffer of requests