
An App to manage your accounts and passwords

Primary LanguagePython


An application that allows users to create and store their passwords for various accounts.

Created by nignanthomas



An application that allows us to create and store passwords for various accounts. Password Locker stores a user's password for their various accounts. It also allows the user to generate random password and various credentials and stores them. This ensures that a user's password is strong enough and stored safely for easy retrieval.

User Specifications

  • I will have to Sign Up in order to login
  • To create a password locker account with my details - log in and password
  • Store my existing login credentials. For example, I would want to store my twitter account credentials.
  • Generate a password for a new credential/account. For example, let's assume that I have not yet signed up for an Instagram account, I can generate a password that I will use when I sign up for an Instagram account.


Behaviour Input Output
1. Create user account User: Nyakio
Password: mashakura
User Nyakio / Password: mashakura created
2. User Login User: Nyakio
Password: mashakura
User session : nyakio.
a. Add Credential instagram
Site user_name: nyak-insta
Site Password: 7kDzR6^l
New credential created
User Name:nyak-insta
Password: 7kDzR6^l
Genearate or Enter existing password ep or gp Ep: None
gp: 99rEzR5^j
b. Search Credential Appname: instagram Credential for instagram
User: Nyakio
Password: mashakura
c. Display Credentials DA Appname: instagram
User Name: nyak-insta
d. Delete Credentials Appname: instagram
Sure: Y
Credential deleted
3. Exit Application 3 It was nice having you.......You're welcome to come again!!!!


Clone this using the command below:

git clone https://github.com/nignanthomas/Password-Locker.git

Run cd Password-Locker in the terminal.

Run chmod +x passlocker.py in the terminal.

Run the ./passlocker.py script on the terminal to open.

Technologies Used

  • Python 3.6
  • Git version Control
