
A lightweight Active Record - style of managing CoreData objects.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


This is a lightweight ActiveRecord way of managing Core Data objects. The syntax is borrowed from Ruby on Rails.
And yeah, no AppDelegate code. It's fully tested with Kiwi.


  1. Install with CocoaPods or clone
  2. #import "ObjectiveRecord.h" in your model or .pch file.

Create / Save / Delete

Person *john = [Person create];
john.name = @"John";

NSDictionary *attributes; // assume it's populated with name = john, key = value,...
[Person create:attributes];
// the same thing 
[Person create:@{ @"name" : @"John", @"age" : @12, @"member" : @NO }]; // XCode >= 4.4


NSArray *people = [Person all];
NSArray *johns = [Person where:@"name == 'John'"];
Person *johnDoe = [Person where:@"name == 'John' AND surname = 'Doe'"].first;

// XCode >= 4.4
NSArray *people = [Person where:@{ @"age" : @18 }];

NSArray *people = [Person where:@{ @"age" : @18,
                  @"member" : @YES,
                  @"state" : @"NY"

Custom ManagedObjectContext

NSManagedObjectContext *newContext = [NSManagedObjectContext new];

Person *john = [Person createInContext:newContext];
Person *john = [Person where:@"name == 'John'" inContext:newContext].first;
NSArray *people = [Person allInContext:newContext];

Custom CoreData model or .sqlite database

If you've added the Core Data manually, you can change the custom model and database name on CoreDataManager

[CoreDataManager instance].modelName = @"MyModelName";
[CoreDataManager instance].databaseName = @"custom_database_name";


// find
[[Person all] each:^(Person *person) {
    person.member = @NO;

for(Person *person in [Person all]) {
    person.member = @YES;

// create / save
Person *john = [Person create];
john.name = @"John";
john.surname = @"Wayne";

// find / delete
[[Person where: @{ "member" : @NO }] each:^(Person *person) {
  [person delete];