GTA Assignment 1

@author: Nihal Ramaswamy (PES1UG19CS297)


There are a total of seven algorithms implemented:

  1. boruvka
  2. chinese postman
  3. fleury
  4. maximum matching bipartite
  5. reverse delete
  6. tarjan
  7. welsh_powell

The above said algorithms are placed in their dedicated folders.
The include folder contains the implementation of the following

  1. Disjoint Set Union
  2. Edge Class
  3. Graph Class
  4. Miscellaneous
    The above algorithms inherits the Graph class and implements functions necessary for it.

Directory Structure

Directory Structure

Running the Project

There are two ways of running this project.

Method 1:

Run the file using the bash script.

chmod a+rx

The file goes to each of the folders containing the implemented algorithm and runs the dedicated Makefile.

Method 2:

Individually the Makefiles for each of the folders containing the algorithms.


To remove the generated files

make clean

Inputs and Outputs

Inputs are provided via chaning the the default stdin and outputs are provided via chaning the default stdin.
When running the Makefile, it runs the following:

./${FILE} < input.txt > output.txt

Here the < changes the the stdin from default to input.txt which is present in each of the folder.
The > changes the the stdout from default to output.txt which is present in each of the folder.

Format of input

The first line of the input file contains two integers N and M, representing the number of nodes in the graph and the number of edges.
The next M lines contains three integers u, v and w, representing a bidirectional edge between nodes u and v with a weight w.

Format of output

Format of the output is explained in the individual directories for the algorithms.