Does CLIP Bind Concepts?

Code to reproduce the experiments in the paper: Does CLIP Bind Concepts? Probing Compositionality in Large Image Models.


To install the required packages, run:

conda create -n clip-binding python=3.9
conda activate clip-binding
mkdir data
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


You can download the dataset for all our experiments from Google Drive.

Download the dataset, unzip it, and place it in the data directory.


To run the training script, run:

python3 --model_name=csp --dataset=single-object

You can specify the following arguments:

  • --model_name: The model to train. One of clip, csp, add, mult, conv, tl, rf.
  • --dataset: The dataset to train single-object, two-object, rel.
  • --save_dir: The directory to save the results and intermediate predictions. By default, the save directory is set to data/<dataset>/<model_name>_seed_0.


  1. --evaluate_only: To evaluate pretrained CLIP, set this to True and set the --model_name=clip.
  2. Change the learning rate to --lr=1e-07 to fine-tune CLIP and --lr=1e-05 to train the CDSMs (add, mult, conv, tl, rf).


If you find this code useful, please cite our paper:

  title = {Does CLIP Bind Concepts? Probing Compositionality in Large Image Models},
  author = {Lewis, Martha and Nayak, Nihal V. and Yu, Peilin and Yu, Qinan and Merullo, Jack and Bach, Stephen H. and Pavlick, Ellie},
  year = {2023},
  Volume = {arXiv:2212.10537 [cs.LG]},
  url = {}