Responsive Portfolio using HTML and CSS

This is a responsive portfolio website built using HTML and CSS. The website features a homepage with a profile picture and a brief introduction, an about page with more detailed information about the individual, a portfolio page with examples of past work, and a contact page with a form for visitors to get in touch.


To use the website, simply clone the repository and open the index.html file in your web browser.

git clone cd responsive-portfolio open index.html


Once you have opened the index.html file in your web browser, you can navigate to the different pages using the navigation bar at the top of the screen. The website is designed to be responsive and will adjust its layout to fit different screen sizes, from desktops to mobile devices.

On the homepage, you can see a profile picture and a brief introduction. On the about page, you can read more detailed information about the individual, including their skills and experience. On the portfolio page, you can see examples of past work in a gallery format. Finally, on the contact page, you can fill out a form to get in touch with the individual.


If you would like to modify the code and develop the website further, you can use a code editor such as Visual Studio Code to edit the files. The HTML is written in the index.html file, and the CSS is written in the style.css file. The website is designed to be easily customizable, so you can modify the colors, fonts, and layout to suit your needs.

Love from Nihal Pawar