
Clojure to Rust compiler

Primary LanguageRust


What is ClojureRust?

ClojureRust is a compiler for Clojure that targets Rust source code. It is designed to generate readable Rust source code, and ensure the same characteristics as Rust native code: no GC, memory security, and zero-headed abstraction.

Getting Started

Releases and dependency information

Latest release: v0.0.1 Some basic framework had been done. There are no dependencies other than the Rust standard library.


The hello world example is in the example folder.

; hello_world.clj
(defn f [x]
  (let [y "world"]
    (if (= y "e")
      (println "error")
      (println x " " y "!"))))

(defn main []
  (f "hello"))

This shows the string type, the definiting and the calling function, and the use of the let if keyword.

  1. generate code: ./clojure-rust hello_world.clj, which will generate a hello_world.rs file.
  2. new project: cargo new hello_world --bin, use cargo to create a new project.
  3. put the code into it: cp hello_world.rs hello_world/src/main.rs, it is necessary to rename the file, because the entry function is here.
  4. put the "standard library" into it: cp clojure-rust/src/cljtype.rs hello_world/src/cljtype.rs, which is the necessary library to build the project.
  5. run it: cargo run

Project structure

Source files

├── main.rs ;entry function
├── ast.rs ;Abstract syntax tree type
├── reader.rs ;grammar parser
├── syntax.rs ;Semantic Analysis
├── translate.rs ;Code generation
└── cljtype.rs ;Standard library

Project operation process

 main.rs  --> type.RawReader  ;the string of input Clojure source code
   |               |
   v               v
reader.rs --> type.AstVal     ;Match parentheses and desugar
   |               |
   v               v
syntax.rs --> type.SyntaxNode ;Analysis context, symbols, etc.
   |               |
   v               v
translate.rs --> string       ;Rust source code

Currently supported features

  1. Define and call basic functions, not support remaining parameters, default parameters and closures
  2. let
  3. if
  4. =
  5. println


  1. macros
  2. closures
  3. more functions in the standard library i.e. clojure.core


not sure yet, same as Rust or Clojure.