
This is the Second Project in the Udacity Full Stack Developer Nanodegree Program.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Full Stack Trivia API Project

This project is a game where users can test their knowledge answering trivia questions. The task for the project was to create an API and test suite for implementing the following functionality:

  1. Display questions - both all questions and by category. Questions should show the question, category and difficulty rating by default and can show/hide the answer.
  2. Delete questions.
  3. Add questions and require that they include question and answer text.
  4. Search for questions based on a text query string.
  5. Play the quiz game, randomizing either all questions or within a specific category.

Getting Started

Installing Dependencies

Developers using this project should already have Python3, pip, node, and npm installed.

Frontend Dependencies

This project uses NPM to manage software dependencies. NPM Relies on the package.json file located in the frontend directory of this repository. After cloning, open your terminal and run:

npm install

Backend Dependencies

Once you have your virtual environment setup and running, install dependencies by naviging to the /backend directory and running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Frontend in Dev Mode

The frontend app was built using create-react-app. In order to run the app in development mode use npm start. You can change the script in the package.json file.

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.

npm start

Running the Server

From within the backend directory first ensure you are working using your created virtual environment.

To run the server, execute:

export FLASK_APP=flaskr
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run


To run the tests, run

dropdb trivia_test
createdb trivia_test
psql trivia_test < trivia.psql
python test_flaskr.py

Omit the dropdb command the first time you run tests.

API Reference

Getting Started

  • Base URL: Currently this application is only hosted locally. The backend is hosted at
  • Authentication: This version does not require authentication or API keys.

Error Handling

Errors are returned as JSON in the following format:

    "success": False,
    "error": 404,
    "message": "resource not found"

The API will return three types of errors:

  • 400 – bad request
  • 404 – resource not found
  • 422 – unprocessable


GET /categories

  • Retrieves a dictionary of categories in which the keys are the ids and the value is the corresponding string of the category
  • *Request Arguments: None
  • *Returns: An object with a single key, categories, that contains a object of id: category_string key:value pairs. {'1' : "Science", '2' : "Art", '3' : "Geography", '4' : "History", '5' : "Entertainment", '6' : "Sports"}

GET /questions?page=1

  • Retrieves a dictionary of questions from all categories which are paginated on the number of questions per page
  • *Request Arguments: *(page:int) which is not mandatory(optional)
  • Returns : { "categories": { "3": "Sports", "7": "History", "9": "art", "10": "entertainment", "11": "geography", "12": "science" }, "currentCategory": null, "questions": [ { "answer": "Albert Einstein", "category": "12", "difficulty": 3, "id": 9, "question": "Who wrote about theory of relativity" }, { "answer": "1945", "category": "7", "difficulty": 4, "id": 20, "question": "In which year did the World War II end" } ], "success": true, "totalQuestions": 2 }

POST /questions

Adds a new question to the database

  • Request body: {question:string, answer:string, difficulty:int, category:string}
  • Example response:
  "message":"Created question with the id 10 ",
  "success": true

DELETE /questions/<question_id>

Delete an existing question from the database

  • Request arguments: question_id:int (mandatory)
  • Example response:
  "message": "Success deleted question with 10", 
  "success": true

GET /categories/<int:category_id>/questions

Retrieves a dictionary of questions of the specified category_id

  • Request argument: category_id:int(mandatory)
  • Example response:
    "currentCategory": "History",
    "questions": [
            "answer": "1945",
            "category": "7",
            "difficulty": 4,
            "id": 20,
            "question": "In which year did the World War II  end"
    "success": true,
    "totalQuestions": 1

POST /questions/search

Retrieves all questions where a substring matches the substring in the question(case insensitive)

  • Request body: {searchTerm:string}
  • Example response:
    "currentCatgeory": null,
    "questions": [
            "answer": "Albert Einstein",
            "category": "12",
            "difficulty": 3,
            "id": 9,
            "question": "Who wrote about theory of relativity"
    "success": true,
    "totalQuestions": 1

POST /quizzes

Retrives one random question from a specified category by excluding the previous questions.

  • Request body: {previous_questions: arr[], quiz_category: {id:int, type:string}}
  • Example response:
    "question": {
        "answer": "1945",
        "category": "7",
        "difficulty": 4,
        "id": 20,
        "question": "In which year did the World War II end"
    "success": true