PCB version Prototype version Firmware

[NotYetAcheron] 121-S-SM-MX-STM32-TH-WI (Codename "Boston")

1st prototype 3D-printed/FR4 version


Boston is a compact 120% with a full-complement of 18 programmable keys, in a footprint 2u narrower than a full-size, and only about 1.5u wider than a 96%. Both a 3D-printed/FR4 case and a CNC aluminum case will be available.

The immediate inspiration for Boston was the DriftMechanics Austin, as well as the 7-row Thinkpad keyboards found on Thinkpads of the T420 generation and older. The general idea was to make a narrower full-size that retained both the 2u numpad "0" and traditional 2x3 Ins/Del/Home/End/PgUp/PgDn nav block, by expanding vertically.

The name is a pun off Austin, since the layout is derived from it. I also grew up in Boston.

Supported layouts

Boston layouts

Click this link for the KLE file for Boston.


  • 121-key in standard ANSI configuration
  • Alps EC11E rotary encoder above the Escape key
  • Full-size numpad with 2u "0" key
  • Traditional 2x3 Ins/Del/Home/End/PgUp/PgDn navblock
  • Uses keys found in GMK base kits (except for programmable keys)
  • RGBLED layer-status indicator light (layer-status indication not yet implemented)
  • ISO enter key, split backspace, split numpad 0, split space, and WKL bottom row support
  • Optional through-hole LED backlight (dimmable as a single block only)
  • USB-C
  • STM32F072 controller running QMK. Circuitry is derived from the Austin.


This is a work in progress. The Geekhack Interest Check thread is here on Geekhack. No GB date has been announced yet, though I've done a presale of PCBs, plates, and hardware for people willing to 3D print their own case. Updates will occasionally be posted there.

The current version (V0.5.2, in the "Boston - Current design" folder) has been prototyped and is working. Details about the PCB and plate files are available in the README files in thoes directories.

STL and STEP files for the 3D-printed/FR4 case are available under the "3D-printed case - parts" folder. Unfortunately, since I switched from Fusion to Atom3D in the middle of this project, I don't no longer have an up-to-date .f3d Fusion file that I can share, and I'm also essentially working off the STEP file.

The aluminum version is still being prototyped. Unfortuantely, due to my likely arrangements with my vendor for this version, the case files for the aluminum version are unlikely to be open-sourced in the near future.

The QMK firmware files for this keyboard are here

I may implement VIA or VIAL in the future as the microcontroller supports it, but it's not currently in the cards.

PCB Renders

Renders done with tracespace.io. Keyboard top Keyboard bottom

Copyright Notice

The PCB files and hardware designs are released under the CERN OHL-W license.

The map artwork in Single PCB design/3D printed case- FR4 part files/Bottom was created using OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap contributors, under OpenStreetMap's conditions. The resulting KiCAD footprint and PCB files for the bottom FR4 panel containing the artwork is specifically released under the Open Data Commons Open Database License

The rubber feet, screws, nuts, and threaded inserts in the STEP file were remodelled from scratch, as most 3D models available online do not permit redistribution.


This project uses the Acheron Library.

The KiCAD files are done using the 5.99nightly builds, as the Acheron Library is currently on the nightlies and aren't compatible with the 5.1.6 stable build. This will be updated over to KiCAD V6 whenever that is released

The KiCAD files use project-specific paths to the Acheron Library. To set this up - in KiCAD, open Preferences > Configure Paths. Add a new entry, with ACHERONLIB for the name, and for the path, the directory where the AcheronLibrary folder resides in.


Many thanks to:

  • The Acheron Project - the KiCAD library and the source files for the Austin have been invaluable for designing this board.
  • The designers of the Austin (Driftingbunnies, PheonixStarr and Gondolindrim). The layout, schematics, and firmware were derived from that board.
  • Gondolindrim, for assistance and feedback with the PCB design, as for running the Acheron project.
  • KiCAD, for being an awesome free open-source PCB design tool.
  • Keyboard Layout Editor, where I designed the layout.
  • Swill's plate generator and Ai03's plate generator, which I used for making the plate.
  • Maperitive and OpenStreetMap, which was used to generate the map artwork on the bottom of the 3D-printed/FR4 case.