
About this printf

This printf is malloc-free and use a buffer to reduce his system calls to write.
It use global conversion table to direcly apply the right conversion function, No else if required.

Structs & Buffer

The buffer is allocated in the stack and it uses less than 3kb.
t_data is my env, it hold :

idx     : current index for the buffer.
carry   : Return value of the printf, everytime we write to stdout it add the idx value to the carry.
conf    : Conf generate everytime there is a %. It store all the padding and such parameters. More on that below.
buff    : Char buffer where the conversion function write.
tmp     : temp buffer for itob functions (before padding for ex).

t_config is generated by format_parser, It built when there is stuff between the '%' and the conversion, it hold:

conv    : Conversion char (for debug).
flags   : Bitwise flags (see [ft_printf.h](includes/ft_printf.h). for more)
space   : Space count
prec    : Precision
width   :
rpad    : Right padding
zpad    : Zero padding


g_conv g_mod

It use a conversion table g_conv define in ft_conv.h. It is a array of function pointer that return the number of char written into the buffer.
The conversion and the call to the g_conv is in ft_process : f_unkn is a dummy function to still know that if :

g_conv[(int)c] != NULL

then c is a conversion.
g_mod is only uses to check if this is a valid modifier char.


itob or ulltob are like itoa but they don't allocate they write into a buffer.
All the form_*.c are conversion functions in the table g_conv.


make curqui

Rebuilt the project and run curqui test on it. It will create a folder on the parent directory of the makefile for the curci repo.

make run

Rebuilt the project and run test.c. This is a detail output for the current work cases.

To do :

  • d-i-D (WIP Nico)
  • u-U
  • x-X
  • float
  • Use g_mod table
  • Unit test
  • Refactor

Current test results:

Basic test	=	56/182		Fails
undefined	=	37/55		Fails
moulitest	=	(timeout)
PFT			=	393/694		Pass
Curqui		=	110/233		Pass
	Basic tests          2/2
	Conv d-i-D           35/40
	Conv u-U             0/26
	Conv o-O             13/34
	Conv x-X             13/39
	Conv c               8/8
	Conv C               1/22
	Conv s               15/15
	Conv S               4/23
	Conv p               7/7
	Percent              12/12
	Mixed tests          1/5
	TOTAL                111/233


Modifier          d, i           o, u, x, X
hh                signed char    unsigned char
h                 short          unsigned short
l (ell)           long           unsigned long
ll (ell ell)      long long      unsigned long long

Modifier    a, A, e, E, f, F, g, G
l (ell)     double (ignored, same behavior as without it)
L           long double

All the types

unsigned char
signed char
unsigned short
unsigned long
unsigned long long
long long
long double

Name ideas from the GNU LIBC printf

flag_space			/* for ' ' */
flag_plus			/* for '+' */
flag_minus			/* for '-' */
flag_hash			/* for '#' */
flag_zero			/* for '0' */

width_asterics		/* for '*' */
width				/* for '1'...'9' */
precision			/* for '.' */

mod_half			/* for 'h' */
mod_long			/* for 'l' */