This printf is malloc-free and use a buffer to reduce his system calls to write.
It use global conversion table to direcly apply the right conversion function, No else if required.
The buffer is allocated in the stack and it uses less than 3kb.
is my env, it hold :
idx : current index for the buffer.
carry : Return value of the printf, everytime we write to stdout it add the idx value to the carry.
conf : Conf generate everytime there is a %. It store all the padding and such parameters. More on that below.
buff : Char buffer where the conversion function write.
tmp : temp buffer for itob functions (before padding for ex).
is generated by format_parser,
It built when there is stuff between the '%' and the conversion, it hold:
conv : Conversion char (for debug).
flags : Bitwise flags (see [ft_printf.h](includes/ft_printf.h). for more)
space : Space count
prec : Precision
width :
rpad : Right padding
zpad : Zero padding
It use a conversion table g_conv
define in ft_conv.h.
It is a array of function pointer that return the number of char written into the buffer.
The conversion and the call to the g_conv is in ft_process :
f_unkn is a dummy function to still know that if :
g_conv[(int)c] != NULL
then c is a conversion.
g_mod is only uses to check if this is a valid modifier char.
or ulltob
are like itoa but they don't allocate they write into a buffer.
All the form_*.c are conversion functions in the table g_conv.
make curqui
Rebuilt the project and run curqui test on it. It will create a folder on the parent directory of the makefile for the curci repo.
make run
Rebuilt the project and run test.c. This is a detail output for the current work cases.
- d-i-D (WIP Nico)
- u-U
- x-X
- float
- Use g_mod table
- Unit test
- Refactor
Basic test = 56/182 Fails
undefined = 37/55 Fails
moulitest = (timeout)
PFT = 393/694 Pass
Curqui = 110/233 Pass
Basic tests 2/2
Conv d-i-D 35/40
Conv u-U 0/26
Conv o-O 13/34
Conv x-X 13/39
Conv c 8/8
Conv C 1/22
Conv s 15/15
Conv S 4/23
Conv p 7/7
Percent 12/12
Mixed tests 1/5
TOTAL 111/233
Modifier d, i o, u, x, X
hh signed char unsigned char
h short unsigned short
l (ell) long unsigned long
ll (ell ell) long long unsigned long long
Modifier a, A, e, E, f, F, g, G
l (ell) double (ignored, same behavior as without it)
L long double
All the types
unsigned char
signed char
unsigned short
unsigned long
unsigned long long
long long
long double
Name ideas from the GNU LIBC printf
flag_space /* for ' ' */
flag_plus /* for '+' */
flag_minus /* for '-' */
flag_hash /* for '#' */
flag_zero /* for '0' */
width_asterics /* for '*' */
width /* for '1'...'9' */
precision /* for '.' */
mod_half /* for 'h' */
mod_long /* for 'l' */