Differences between Flowtype and TypeScript -- syntax and usability
- 1
More links
#28 opened by stereobooster - 0
import type {} ... now supported by TypeScript
#71 opened by niieani - 1
Expand on "typings for public libraries"
#70 opened by Brianzchen - 0
Document Flow opaque types
#65 opened by FezVrasta - 5
- 1
Document contravariance and covariance
#66 opened by FezVrasta - 7
Benchmark performance
#17 opened by rattrayalex - 1
Typescript Enum
#57 opened by itayronen - 4
Infinite loop detection
#56 opened by goodmind - 1
Flow released roadmap
#52 opened by goodmind - 3
Question: does Flow support dynamic import types
#53 opened by styfle - 1
TypeScript: partial type argument inference using the *
#44 opened by NN--- - 1
conditional typing in Flow
#37 opened by sibelius - 4
Not up-to date comparison
#42 opened by kirilloid - 1
Install Size comparison
#33 opened by styfle - 3
- 3
Miss important factor: Language services / language server protocol support
#38 opened by cancerberoSgx - 0
Update with TypeScript 3 features
#34 opened by michaeljota - 2
[WIP] Those little things, both systems
#11 opened by niieani - 1
- 1
Add objective error quality comparison
#36 opened by sibelius - 16
- 1
Mention References for Flow and TypeScript
#7 opened by niieani - 13
TypeScript 2.7 and 2.8 features
#26 opened by niieani - 6
Add diff type for typescript
#18 opened by sanex3339 - 1
Adding overloading functions / methods?
#23 opened by oriSomething - 1
New compiler flag will make TypeScript check function arguments contravariantly
#20 opened by pelotom - 1
TypeScript speed does not "continue to be fast regardless of the size of the project"
#16 opened by bcherny - 1
Mention lookup type differences
#12 opened by aaronjensen - 9
- 12
- 0
Mention external projects trade-offs
#5 opened by niieani - 0
Write about myths and misconceptions
#6 opened by niieani - 9
Some mistakes
#1 opened by vkurchatkin - 3
type spread operator
#2 opened by vkurchatkin