
A simple Node.js API to manage transactions.

Getting started

To run this API you will need:

  • Node.js v6.11.x+
  • MongoDB v3.6+


Run npm install to install dependencies

Start the database server

On the MongoDB /bin folder

mongod --dbpath ../data

Start the server

npm start

API will run on http://localhost:3001/api

Folder Structure

  • /app - Application specific code
    • /api
      • /transaction - Transaction Domain
  • /bin - Server execution code
  • /config - General configuration of the server
    • /database - Database configuration
    • /middleware - Custom server middleware
  • /routes - Routing specific code. This folder maintains the same structure of available routes.

Available Routes

GET /api/transaction

Retrieve transactions.

You can use the Link header for pagination reference (first, previous, next and/or last pages).

Optional query string parameters

  • paymentType: (money|credit)

Filter by payment type.

  • startDate: Number

Get transactions that were created after startDate. Parameter must be a date in milliseconds.

  • endDate: Number

Get transactions that were created before endDate. Parameter must be a date in milliseconds.

  • page: Number

Page of transactions to retrieve.

  • limit: Number

Number of transactions per page.

  • sort: String

Pass the name of the fields you want to sort. Use a '-' to sort on descending order.

E.g.: -amount,description will sort by amount on descending and description on ascending order.

POST /api/transaction

Create a new transaction.

PUT /api/transaction/:id

Update a transaction with the corresponding id.

DELETE /api/transaction/:id

Delete a transaction with the corresponding id.

Information for Developers

Development Server

To save some time while developing, you can use the development server which automatically reloads once a file is changed.

npm run dev

Enabling the logger

To enable all application loggers just set the DEBUG environment variable before running the server.

On Windows:
set DEBUG=cashflower-api:*

On *nix:
export DEBUG=cashflower-api:*

For more information about the logger, take a look at the docs of the [debug] module.


npm test

This script will run all the test suites in the project.


This project uses Standard style. Run the linter with:

npm run lint