
A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM version Build Status Dependency Status

A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file. Logs can be rotated based on a date, size limit, and old logs can be removed based on count or elapsed days.

Starting with version 2.0.0, the transport has been refactored to leverage the the file-stream-rotator module. Some of the options in the 1.x versions of the transport have changed. Please review the options below to identify any changes needed.


npm install winston-daily-rotate-file


The DailyRotateFile transport can rotate files by minute, hour, day, month, year or weekday. In addition to the options accepted by the logger, winston-daily-rotate-file also accepts the following options:

  • frequency: A string representing the frequency of rotation. This is useful if you want to have timed rotations, as opposed to rotations that happen at specific moments in time. Valid values are '#m' or '#h' (e.g., '5m' or '3h'). Leaving this null relies on datePattern for the rotation times. (default: null)
  • datePattern: A string representing the moment.js date format to be used for rotating. The meta characters used in this string will dictate the frequency of the file rotation. For example, if your datePattern is simply 'HH' you will end up with 24 log files that are picked up and appended to every day. (default 'YYYY-MM-DD')
  • zippedArchive: A boolean to define whether or not to gzip archived log files. (default 'false')
  • filename: Filename to be used to log to. This filename can include the %DATE% placeholder which will include the formatted datePattern at that point in the filename. (default: 'winston.log.%DATE%)
  • dirname: The directory name to save log files to. (default: '.')
  • stream: Write directly to a custom stream and bypass the rotation capabilities. (default: null)
  • maxSize: Maximum size of the file after which it will rotate. This can be a number of bytes, or units of kb, mb, and gb. If using the units, add 'k', 'm', or 'g' as the suffix. The units need to directly follow the number. (default: null)
  • maxFiles: Maximum number of logs to keep. If not set, no logs will be removed. This can be a number of files or number of days. If using days, add 'd' as the suffix. (default: null)
  • options: An object resembling https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_createwritestream_path_options indicating additional options that should be passed to the file stream. (default: { flags: 'a' })
  • auditFile: A string representing the name of the name of the audit file. This can be used to override the default filename which is generated by computing a hash of the options object. (default: '..json')


  var winston = require('winston');

  var transport = new (winston.transports.DailyRotateFile)({
    filename: 'application-%DATE%.log',
    datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH',
    zippedArchive: true,
    maxSize: '20m',
    maxFiles: '14d'

  transport.on('rotate', function(oldFilename, newFilename) {
    // do something fun

  var logger = winston.createLogger({
    transports: [

  logger.info('Hello World!');

You can listen for the rotate custom event. The rotate event will pass two parameters to the callback (oldFilename, newFilename). You can also listen for the archive custom event. The archive event will pass one parameter to the callback (zipFilename).



MAINTAINER: Matt Berther