Problem Statement: Kanban Board Task Management


Develop a Kanban board inspired by platforms like Trello for task management. The application should seamlessly allow users to manage tasks among different stages of completion.

Front-end Requirements:

  1. Homepage: Display all tasks, segregated by their status groups: To Do, Doing, Done.

  2. Task Card: Showcase the task title and description.

  3. Add Task: Integrate a form to create a new task, prompting users for the title and description of the task.

  4. Edit Task: Provide an option to edit an existing task’s title and description.

  5. Delete Task: Implement a feature to remove a task permanently.

  6. Task Status: Empower users to effortlessly drag and drop tasks between the To Do, Doing, and Done categories.

  7. Responsive Design: Ensure the application is fully functional and visually coherent on mobile devices.

Back-end Requirements:

  1. Create an API with endpoints to support CRUD operations for tasks.
  2. Tasks should be stored in a database.


  1. Once the application is complete, push your code to a public repository on GitHub or GitLab.
  2. Ensure the README file of the repository contains: ● A brief overview of the project. ● A screenshot showcasing the application interface. ● A live URL to view and test the application.
  3. Share the link to the repository for evaluation.


For inspiration and understanding the flow, visit Trello



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Thank you for your interest in our internship opening. As a next step, we are expecting you to complete a short assignment.

Thanks, Hannan Submission deadline: 07 September, 2023


Assignment received PDF Assignment - Full Stack Developer.pdf 47.5 KB

Thank you for your interest in our job opening. As a next step, we are expecting you to complete a short assignment.

Thanks, Hannan Submission deadline: 10 September, 2023