

This repository contains OpenSILEX developpers documentation.


OpenSILEX is collaborative meta-project developped at MISTEA joint research unit (INRA - SupAgro). More information on OpenSILEX is available at SILEX web page.

New feature

Phis release 2.6 added new features :

  • environmental characterization
  • association between sensors and environmental variables
  • radiometric targets associated to UAVs
  • better integration of ontologies
  • implement the changes made to BrAPI (V1.3 released on nov. 1st)


This documentation is currently under developpement. If an user of OpenSILEX developments wish to point out a flaw in this documentation, (s)he is welcomed to do so in this repository's GitHub issues. Concerning issues with developments of OpenSILEX, users are invited to report them via another channel, which has not been set up to this day.


Contributors to this documentation are agents of the joint research unit MISTEA (INRA - SupAgro) in Montpellier :

  • Anne Tireau
  • Alice Boizet
  • Morgane Vidal
  • Pierre-Etienne Alary
  • Sammy Gilles
  • Vincent Migot
  • Andreas Garcia

Every OpenSILEX main developper or contributor is welcomed to enrich this repository with its experience of the development of information systems (e.g. PHIS) produced within OpenSILEX.


© OpenSILEX - PHIS v.2.6 - 20 September 2018 ; Software is licensed under AGPL-3.0 and data under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0