
This repo is created as a guide for new javascript devs who want a guide to some concepts used in react

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Essential Javascript Concepts to understand before working in react

  1. Ternary Operators - Known as shorthand conditional statements , they provide a way to write concise conditional statements

  2. Template Literals - Allows for easier string interpolation and multiline strings. They support embedded expressions.

  3. Destructing - It simplies the process of extracting values from arrays or objects. It enables you to pack values into distinct variables.

  4. Spread Operator - allows us to quickly copy all or part of an existing array or object into another array or object.

  5. Functions - Functions are the basic building blocks of js logics, function expressions and arrow functions are ways to define functions.

  6. Modules - Modules help for code reusability and organisation. They split code into separate files and enable exporting and importing of functionality.

  7. Array Methods - Js gives us numerous array methods to perform common operatons efficiently.

  8. Promises - they simplify asycn operations such as fetching data from an API. They represent the eventual completion or failure of an async operation.

  9. Async / await - its a more modern way to approach asynchrous operations. It allows writing asynchrous code in a synchrous style.