
Project for SOEN 341

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Initial seed project for SOEN341

   Member Name           ID              Git name     
1. Nie Kaiyu 40121808 Chemoautotroph
2. Daria Koroleva 40096402 daria-koroleva
3. Khalil Nijaoui 40092653 nijaaouikhalil
4. HaoYu He 40103802 Maxxxx-he
5. Tianyu Zhang 40073864 woshidiyi1228
6. Zhihong Qian 26305393 zh220
7. Ryan Leyland 40015165 rsleyland


  • Sprint 1
  • Sprint 2
  • Sprint 3
  • Sprint 4


  • Frontend
    • Framework: Angular (Typescript)
    • Library: Angular material / Bootstrap
  • Backend
    • Language: Python
    • Framework: Django
    • Database: Mysql


The objective of this project is to create a social media picture sharing website. The ultimate goal is to create a website similar to Instagram. The final product should conatin all the core features listed below. The team will add some other features during the development of the program if it's necessary. This project is developed in the scope of SOEN 341 course at Concordia University.

Core Features

  • Posting a picture with text description
  • Following a user
  • Leave comments to a posted picture