Many time while developing we require to authorize users. Managing auth state can be trouble.
This repo is just a simple template creating following routes :
After downloading the repo code open your editor and in the terminal :
npm install
This will install all dependencies required.
Create a .env file in root folder and also add .env to .gitignore.
In .env :
Open terminal in root folder and run the following command to start the react app
npm start
- User can signup with email and password.
- Validation checks for password and email is done before sending request to server.
- After signup user will be navigated to login page
- User can login with email and password.
- Jwt token provided from server is store in local storage.
- After login user will be navigated to profile page
- Custom axios is used to attach token from local storage to headers while making request automatically.
- It is private route that can be only accessed when user is logged in.
- User can see his details like username here.
- All the children is wrapped in AuthProvider.
- It provides auth state to all its children.
- Auth : true ==> user is logged in.
- useAuth is custom hooks that helps to easily use useContext hook.
- signup,login,fetchdetails,logout all functions as well as user are passed as value of AuthProvider and import in other components as required.
It will be nice if you report bugs or contribute to improve the code and security.
Thanks !!
Happy Hacking...
- nikhil