Official repository of "Localizing Task Information for Improved Model Merging and Compression" [ICML 2024]
- AntoAndGarRome
- duguodong7
- FacicoHUST
- fan1dy
- FarisXiongHarbin institute of technology
- fly51flyPRIS
- fskong
- horseeeNational University of Singapore
- leeyeoreum02Hanyang University
- LilanOvOHangzhou
- LiQiiiiiNational University of Singapore
- lucasliunju
- max-andrEPFL
- nik-dimLausanne, Switzerland
- pikepokenew
- pratikramesh1
- QizhiPeiGaoling School of Artifical Intelligence, RUC
- rolshovenBern, Switzerland
- ronskoro
- Ryan0v0University of Cambridge
- Sophia118Guo
- SpeeeedLeeTaiwan
- SSshuishuiBeihang University
- ultranity
- ust-xu
- VirtualSpacemanBrazil
- vishaal27University of Tübingen | University of Cambridge
- wang-kee
- Yang-Yan-Yang-Yan
- yaodongyuUC Berkeley
- yifei-heUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- ysy2003
- yunocchi-love
- ZexiLee@ZhejiangUniversity
- Zhou-HangyuCornell University
- zsgvivo