
A decorator to simplify callback invocation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React callback props decorator

Build Status

A non-parametrized method decorator which wraps original handlers with similar-name callback invoke. This is particularly useful for situations like React components, where you often pass callbacks as props and you have to invoke them explicitly.

// Before:
class Component extends React.Component {
    handleSomething(args) {
        // do some useful work
        if (this.props.onSomething) {

// After:
class Component extends React.Component {
    handleSomething(args) { // camelCaseName
        // do some useful work

A parametrized method decorator invokes callback with specified name.

// Before:
class Component extends React.Component {
    handleSomething(args) {
        // do some useful work
        if (this.props.onAnything) {

// After:
class Component extends React.Component {
    handleSomething(args) { // camelCaseName
        // do some useful work

Or you can parametrize your callback with value-converting function.

// Before:
class Component extends React.Component {
    handleSomething(args) {
        // do some useful work
        if (this.props.onSomething) {

// After:
class Component extends React.Component {
    @callback(args => args.inner)
    handleSomething(args) { // camelCaseName
        // do some useful work

Or you can use both parameters.

// Before:
class Component extends React.Component {
    handleSomething(args) {
        // do some useful work
        if (this.props.onAnything) {

// After:
class Component extends React.Component {
    @callback('onAnything', args => args.inner)
    handleSomething(args) { // camelCaseName
        // do some useful work

But please, DO NOT overuse converting function parameter. It is just a helper for elementary cases.

Pay attention: for now decorators can be used with transpilers such as Babel

To Babel 6 users: For now decorators syntax is not final. So you may use babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy.

To autobind-decorator users: Make sure you apply callback before autobind-decorator as it returns accessor descriptor.


// Bad:
handleSomething() { ... }

// Good:
handleSomething() { ... }


% npm install react-callback-props-decorator


import callback from 'react-callback-props-decorator'

class Component {
  render() {
    return <div onClick={ this.handleClick } />;

  handleClick() {
    // do useful work here