
golang implementation of Raft protocol

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go implementation of Raft from scratch for CS7610: Distributed Systems

Project Overview

The goal of this project is to implement the main components of the Raft distributed state machine protocol, namely, leader election, log replication, and a basic state machine.

Raft Protocol Overview

First, we can briefly review the key parts of the Raft protocol.

State Diagram

The Raft protocol is designed around a simple state diagram:

Raft Paper Figure 4 - State Diagram

We can focus on three key functions of the system:

  1. Leader Election
  • Raft elects a "distinguished leader", who controls the flow of log entries and seeks to bring all other nodes in sync with itself.
  1. Log Replication
  • The leader uses AppendEntriesRPC to modify the log on follower nodes.
  • Clients are redirected to communicate only with the current cluster leader.
  1. State Machine
  • When entries have been "committed" (appended to a majority of logs), then they may be safely applied to each node's copy of the State Machine

Basic Operation

Briefly, the basic logic of the protocol is as follows:

  1. All nodes in a Raft cluster maintain an election ticker, set to a random value from a fixed range (e.g. 300ms < t < 600ms).

  2. When a follower waits too long without hearing from their current leader or granting a vote to a valid candidate, they will time out.

  3. The timed-out follower will transition to being a candidate for the next term, voting for themself and broadcasting a RequestVoteRPC.

  4. Followers will grant votes on a first-come, first-served basis, only to "up-to-date" candidates (see the Election Restriction property mentioned below).

  5. If the candidate receives a majority of votes, it transitions to leader and immediately begins broadcasting AppendEntriesRPC to the log.

  6. Leader nodes also maintain a heartbeat ticker, set to a sufficiently small value (e.g. t = 50ms). If a client sends a new state machien action during this interval, the leader will broadcast a corresponding AppendEntriesRPC; otherwise, the leader will send an empty AppendEntriesRPC as a heartbeat to maintain leadership.

  7. A follower only accepts an AppendEntriesRPC if their log agrees with the leader's log at the point of insertion.

  • The leader tracks the state of the log for each followers, so that during AppendEntriesRPCs it can try to send entries from a point where its log agrees with that follower.
  • Based on the responses to AppendEntriesRPCs, the leader will eventually learn the correct place to begin log appends for each follower, and then bring them into agreement.
  • Notice that when a follower agrees to insert a list of entries a certain position, it must first delete its log suffix from that point. This is the key reason for the Election Restriction.
  1. Log entries can be considered committed when they are present in the logs of a majority of nodes in the cluster. At this point, they can be applied to each copy of the State Machine.

Election Restriction

One of the most subtle parts of the Raft protocol is the election restriction, which is a key to the protocol's safety properties. When a follower node (a "voter") receives a RequestVoteRPC from some other candidate, one requirement for granting its vote is that the candidate must be at least as "up-to-date" as this voter. "Up-to-date" here means that the candidate's last log term must be at least as big as the voter's last log term, and if they end in the same term, then the candidate's last log index must be at least as big as the voter's last log index.

See the Leader Completeness section below for more intuition about the benefit of this restriction.

Key Safety Properties

Raft provides several safety guarantees, and gives short and intuitive proofs of these properties.

Since the primary purpose of Raft is to maintain a State Machine in a manner that is robust to lost messages or failed nodes, we will briefly highlight these safety properties, focusing especially on the final State Machine Safety property. We will see that the State Machine Safety property follows neatly as a consequence from the Log Matching property and the election restriction on "up-to-date" leaders.

Election Safety

At most one leader can be elected in a given term.

This follows simply from the behavior of each node during election and the election rules:

  1. Nodes cast at most 1 vote per term (they may cast 0 if they do not receive any RequestVoteRPC or if they are offline).
  2. A candidate must receive a majority of votes to become leader.

There cannot exist multiple majorities in a single term, so there cannot be more than 1 leader who successfully receives a majority. Notice that based on dropped messages, or multiple nodes transitioning to candidate at approximately the same time, it might be the case that no nodes receive a majority.

Leader Append-Only

A leader never overwrites or deletes entries in its log; it only appends new entries.

This is simply a rule about how entries are appended by the leader.

Log Matching

If two logs contain an entry with the same index and term, then the logs are identical in all entries up through the given index.

This is proven inductively in the paper using two properties:

  1. If two entries in different logs have the same index and term, then they store the same command.
  2. If two entries in different logs have the same index and term, then the logs are identical in all preceding entries.

We note that leaders will never re-use the same index for multiple commands, and previous log entries are never edited to use a different term or index, providing us the first property.

The second property follows from the implementation of AppendEntriesRPC; a follower accepts this RPC iff their log agrees on the term and index at the point where the entries are to be inserted. This serves as an inductive step, where logs that previously matched will continue to match. Finally, we note that while it is possible for logs to have inconsistent suffixes, due to crashed leaders, the implementation of AppendEntriesRPC also specifies that, once a valid leader is elected and sends an RPC, if the follower's log is consistent at the insertion point but has other inconsistent entries afterward, the follower will delete that suffix and get in-sync with the leader.

Leader Completeness

If a log entry is committed in a given term, then that entry will be present in the logs of the leaders for all higher-numbered terms.

Given the simple implementation where leaders only append to their logs, this property follows quite simply from the election restriction explained above.

Intuitively, the purpose of the election restriction is to ensure that elected leaders will never accidentally force a follower to delete a log suffix containing some committed entries. Consider one of these "contentious" log entries that a voter has but a candidate does not have:

  • If the entry exists in a majority of voter logs, then this candidate cannot become leader (because none of those voters will grant their vote).

  • If the entry exists in only a minority of voter logs, then it is fine for this candidate to become leader and eventually cause the entry to be overwritten, because this entry was not actually committed yet.

State Machine Safety

If a server has applied a log entry at a given index to its state machine, no other server will ever apply a different log entry for the same index.

Intuitively, this means that the State Machine on all nodes is eventually consistent; it is possible for a node to be lagging behind (due to dropped messages or node downtime), but if it ever recovers, it will apply all the same log entries in the same order as other nodes in the cluster.

The key danger we want to avoid for the State Machine is that we might apply a certain entry, and then somehow modify the log and decide that a different entry should have been applied at that same time. (This would mean we need to manage roll-backs to our State Machine, etc).

The only way the history of the log can be modified is by a leader. However, given the previous safety properties, we already know that

  • Once committed, an entry will always be present on all future leader nodes

This guarantees that we can safely apply a committed entry to the State Machine, knowing that no future leader can ever be elected that would seek to modify this log entry.

Implementation Overview

First, we briefly overview the features and design of this implementation.


This project implements only the basic components of the Raft Protocol highlighted above:

  • Leader Election
  • Log Replication
  • State Machine

These components are chosen because they can in principle give us a working distributed state machine.

Not Implemented

  • "Robust" client interaction

    • In a production implementation, when a client submits data for storage, a leader should only report success after the data has actually been committed to the cluster. Here, this means that it has been appended to a majority of logs. This implementation does not yet handle this behavior, and the leader reports success as long as the data is added to its own log. Implementing the "correct"/robust behavior should in principle be a simple extension of the current project; a client must wait after sending data until it either receives confirmation of commitment, or until the client times-out and decides to retry. On the cluster side of things, a leader should spawn a dedicated goroutine for handling each client append, that also periodically checks for majority success until some time-out period elapses. There are at least 2 extra complications:
    1. If the client times-out first, but the data is successfully committed, then the client will resend the same data and the leader needs to choose a simple way of detecting this duplicated response. If this is handled by inspecting the clientSerialNum associated with the message (which will be identicalfor any valid client), then it might be sufficient for the leader to track the "most recently seen" clientSerialNum for each active client in ONLY the StateMachine. Although the client may cause duplicated LogEntry insertions, only the first one will be applied to the StateMachine.
    2. The leader goroutine that is handling the client interaction needs to do some extra locking to be sure that it responds appropriately, even if the leader node's local state may have changed.
  • Integration testing, especially for deadlocks and race conditions

    • The ideal way of testing for these is not clear. Some tools, such as this and this exist for detecting potential deadlocks in particular situations, and there is also active research into static detection of deadlocks in Go programs. These resources were not yet explored here, and using these might provide important feedback on the structure and locking done in this project. Anecdotally, existing tools can only debug a complete deadlock, and not a deadlock resulting from a subset of goroutines - this would not be sufficient for this application.

    • Likewise, Golang has tools such as a built-in Data Race Detector for detecting race conditions. This tool also needs further evaluation to determine if it is right for this application, but using similar tools could help improve the design of this project.

  • Log Compaction

    • For a Raft cluster that stays live for a long time, the log on each node will continuously grow, maintaining a full history of all client interactions. This can become unwieldy, and therefore a "production-grade" Raft implementation includes the periodic creation of checkpoints so that very old log entries can be deleted. For a demo implementation, this feature is not necessary, because the cluster will not stay alive during any experiment long enough for log size to become an issue.
  • Membership Changes

    • It is possible to allow a Raft cluster to stay alive while growing or shrinking. This optimization feels in general to be an overcomplication; an easy alternative for a real production system is to spawn a new, larger cluster replica based on a recent checkpoint, redirect client requests to both clusters for a period of time until they are sufficiently in-sync, and then take down the old cluster. Therefore, this feature was not considered for this implementation.
  • Optimized communication

    • When a follower has deviated by many entries, there will be multiple back-and-forth failed AppendEntriesRPC, which can be short-circuited by trying to return a previous index of agreement, or the first index stored for a certain term. Increasing the complexity of the system is only helpful when there is substantial communication overhead, which will also not happen on a demo implementation of Raft.

Implementation Details

Next, we discuss this implementation in detail, including some of the key tools used.

Key Data Types

The main structs and their essential fields are listed here, with a brief explanation where required

  • RaftNode

    • Log
      • Contents - a list of LogEntry
    • StateMachine
      • Contents
      • ClientSerialNums - to avoid applying a duplicate entry
    • CurrentTerm
    • VotedFor - the HostID that this node voted for in the current term.
    • nextIndex - a list of log indices describing the most recent point of agreement for each follower with this leader's log.
    • electionTicker
  • ClientNode

    • StoreClientData - the RPC used by clients to store ClientData to the cluster.
  • AppendEntries - the function invoked via RPC for modifying the log on a node.

    • AppendEntriesRPC - the wrapper that performs the RPC.
  • Vote - the function invoked via RPC for collecting a vote.

    • RequestVoteRPC - the wrapper that performs the RPC.
  • RPCResponse - the struct filled during an RPC to describe the receiver's response

    • Term - the term of the receiver when the RPC arrived.
    • Success - result of the RPC.
    • LeaderID - the HostID that this node believes to be leader.

Usage and Overview

Build and run the project with make.

The default Makefile target runs a simple experiment with no node failures. Each node will be run in its own Docker container.

  • Nodes only begin operation after successfully resolving all other nodes specified in the hostfile.json; that is, we allow failures during the experiment, but we assume that the cluster begins with all nodes operating correctly.
  • The default experiment runs 3 RaftNodes and 2 ClientNodes.
  • Every 1s, each client node will try to send the next line from their data file to the cluster to be applied to the state machine.

The Makefile sets several environment variables to control the basic operation:

  • RAFT_DURATION: int, seconds to run the experiment before each node will quit and shutdown
  • RAFT_VERBOSE: bool, controls verbose output

To change the number of nodes being run:

  • modify docker-compose.yml to include additional nodes of the specified type
  • modify hostfile.json to be consistent.
    • The name specified in hostfile.json MUST match the container_name specified in the docker-compose.yml.
    • The order of appearance in hostfile.json determines a node's unique integer HostID; to avoid confusion, this order SHOULD be consistent with their order of appearance in docker-compose.yml.
  • if adding client nodes that should have unique data, provide an additional datafile.*.txt, and COPY this additional file into all containers inside Dockerfile.

Test the project with go test raft, and view documentation and testable examples with godoc -http=:6060 and browse to http://localhost:6061/pkg/raft/.

Inspecting output

The easiest way to view the "results" of an experiment is to check the final state of the StateMachine on each Raft node.

The state machine is currently just a dummy implementation consisting of a list of strings, however this is sufficient for testing correctness:

  • If two nodes have the same list of ClientData entries in the same order on their StateMachine, then they are consistent.
  • Notice that the protocol only requires nodes to agree on any indices that they both have; it is OK for one node to be missing a suffix of entries that are found on another node. This can happen if one node shuts down early, or if it does not receive some set of AppendEntriesRPC messages.

For example, we can easily use jq to diff the contents:

# Once experiment finishes running
diff <(cat persistence/*r0* | jq '.StateMachine.Contents') <(cat persistence/*r1* | jq '.StateMachine.Contents') 
diff <(cat persistence/*r0* | jq '.StateMachine.Contents') <(cat persistence/*r2* | jq '.StateMachine.Contents') 

Demo and Integration Tests

make test_stop1 - run the cluster for 60s, and stop one of the nodes after 20s.

  • Notice that the cluster successfully runs to completion, and the remaining nodes are consistent with each other.

make test_stop2 - run for 60s and stop two nodes after 20s.

  • Notice that progress halts, as desired.

make test_disconnect1 - run for 60s, and disconnect one node from the network after 20s

  • As above, progress continues and the remaining nodes stay consistent.

make test_disconnect2 - analogous to stopping 2 above

make test_disconnect_reconnect - run for 60s, at 20s disconnect one node, and then at 40s reconnect the node.

  • Notice that it catches up, and the cluster finishes with all nodes consistent.

Tools used

  • vim-go makes it easy to write Go in Vim; in particular, auto-formats and runs golangci-lint upon every save.

  • docker, docker-compose

    • For the "production" scenario (as opposed to the testing scenarios), every node in the system is run in its own docker container. The cluster configuration is controlled using docker-compose. Ideally, it would be better to have more thorough integration tests that more closely mimic the production scenario.
  • godoc - This tool provides an extremely easy documentation server, where testable examples can be viewed as well. NOTE - currently, the testable examples written here are not runnable in the browser, and this needs to be figured out.


Here is a table of contents for this repository.

├── datafile.0.txt                    # Data for client 0
├── datafile.1.txt                    # Data for client 1
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── Dockerfile
├── figure_4.png                      # State Diagram from Raft paper
├── hostfile.json                     # Hostname (docker container name) and receiving port for all Raft and Client nodes
├── main_client.go
├── main_raft.go
├── Makefile
├── raft_proposal.md
├── README.md
├── src
│   ├── client
│   │   └── client.go
│   └── raft
│       ├── persist.go
│       ├── raft.go
│       ├── raft_integration_test.go
│       ├── raft_unit_test.go
│       ├── rpc.go
│       ├── time_constants.go
│       ├── types.go
│       └── utils.go
└── TODO.md

Implementation Notes

So far, this is a simplified implementation, focusing on the basics:

  • Leader Election
  • Log Replication
  • (Very basic) State Machine

Among others, the following aspects of the full Raft protocol are not yet implemented:

  • “Robust” client interaction.
    • Currently, leader replies success after storing, but should actually wait for data to be added to StateMachine (i.e. be replicated on majority of logs) first
  • Thorough integration tests
    • Can use the JSON outputs from r.persistState()
    • Already in-progress in raft_integration_test.go is to use different ports and run multiple nodes on localhost
      • Alternative: Add layer of indirection before making RPC calls, and substitute a local/mocked transport layer during testing
  • Test thoroughly for deadlocks and race conditions
    • For example, when sending ApplieEntriesRPC, we need to ensure we are still leader, term has not changed, nextIndex[] has not changed, etc
  • More interesting StateMachine
    • Straightforward addition; for example using a fixed list of integer operators (+,-,*,/) on a finite list of integer variables (x,y,z)
  • Log Compaction
  • Resuming from persisted state
  • Adding nodes to running cluster (“Membership Changes”)
  • Optimizations for fewer back-and-forth failed AppendEntriesRPC when follower needs to catch up

Takeaway Messages


  • There is still at least one race condition due to insufficient/incorrect locking, so experiments can sporadically fail
    • When a follower node replies slowly to a heartbeat and then quickly to the next non-trivial AppendEntriesRPC, the leader node may advance that follower's nextIndex[i] value too far. Instead of advancing by 0 (for heartbeat) + N (for the N entries successfully appended), it will do N + N.
  • A number of TODO items have been left in the code and in
    • TODO.md

Project Challenges

The main challenges of this project fell into 2 categories.

  1. Designing for Testability
  • The most difficult part of this project was turning the description in the Raft paper into a modular, testable design. This was certainly an area where taking the lessons learned and re-writing the project would likely allow a much cleaner design, especially for clarifying the placement of locks and the structure of goroutines to be used.
  1. Learning Golang, net/rpc library
  • This project was also a way to learn Golang, and a first attempt to work with an RPC library, so a lot of time went into troubleshooting language usage. This is also an area where, in hindsight, setting up a more thorough test suite would be helpful.


Noteworthy Phrases from Raft Paper

  • "servers retry RPCs if they do not receive a response in a timely manner, and they issue RPCs in parallel for best performance"

    • we have at least 3 timeouts happening:
      • heartbeat
      • election
      • retryRPC
    • the response from RPC needs to happen fast, can't wait around too long collecting other info before responding. Notice that we SHOULD be doing some writing to stable storage though.
      • For now, let the "writeToStableStorage" method be a no-op
  • "follower and candidate crashes"

    • "raft handles these failures by retrying indefinitely"... " if the crashed server restarts, then the RPC will complete successfully"
  • "raft RPCs are idempotent" ... "if a follower receives an appendentries request that includes log entries already present in its log, it ignores those entries in the new request"

  • "timing requirement" "broadcastTime << electionTimeout << MTBF" where MTBF is average time between failures for a single server

    • broadcast time should be 10x faster than election timeout
    • election timeout should be "a few orders of magnitude less" than MTBF
  • "raft's rpcs typically require the recipient to persist information to stable storage, so the broadcast time may range from 0.5ms to 20ms"

    • "election timeout is likely to be somewhere between 10ms and 500ms"
  • "client interaction"

    • "if client's first choice is not the leader, that server will reject the client's request and supply information about the most recent leader it has heard from. (AppendEntries requests include the network address of the leader). If the leader crashes, client requests will time out; clients then try again with randomly-chosen servers"
      • We have another timeout to consider: clientSendData timeout. After timeout, client should select randomly among the remaining servers
        • upon entering the "clientSendDataUnknownLeader" method, we should build a list of all the nodes. Client picks one randomly to talk to. if they timeout without response, remove that node from list, and try another, etc. return from the method with the information about the successful leader
  • Avoiding executing a command multiple times on the state machine:

    • "state machine tracks the latest serial number processed for each client, along with the associated response. if it receives a command whose serial number has already been executed, it responds immediately without re-executing the request"
    • "[a leader] needs to commit an entry from its term. ... each leader [must] commit a blank no-opentry into the log at the start of ites term"

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