
Update Product.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node KISS pattern DRY pattern Testing

This project is designed to update the story in List.am

│   .editorconfig                       # Editor config file
│   .env.example                        # Environment variables
│   .eslintrc.js                        # EsLint config file
│   .gitignore                          # Git ignore file
│   .prettierrc.json                    # Prittier config file
│   docker-compose.yml                  # Docker compose file
│   index.js                            # Entry point
│   package.json
│   pm.js                               # pm2 init
│   README.md
│   release.sh                          # Bash script
│   tsconfig.json                       # TypeScript config JSON
│   yarn.lock
├───src                                 # Source folder
│   │   index.js                        # Index entry point
│   │
│   ├───config                          # Configuration files
│   │       index.js
│   │
│   ├───core                            # Business logic implementation
│   │       index.js
├───test                                # Testing
$yarn install
$yarn run start


Node Yarn NPM Koa Express Typescript Docker Prettier esLint