
Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Find your most important files fast. 🏃‍♀️ 💨


⚡️ Features

  • ⚡ Quickly find files in a predefined set of directories
    • 📂 Define static paths
    • 📦 Define dynamic paths to scan for directories with a certain depth and optionally only include directories with a .git folder
  • ✨ Automatically change directory to the selected Folder
  • ⌘ Create a user command to quickly open the finder
  • ⛏️ Use FzfLua as the picker (Others to be added in the future)

☄ Usage


🏗️ Installation

Installation with folke/lazy.nvim.

---@module "lazy"
---@type LazyPluginSpec
return {
    dependencies = {
        "ibhagwan/fzf-lua" -- Required for the picker
    event = "VeryLazy",
---@module "file-surfer"
---@type file-surfer.Config
    opts = {
        -- Example opts for paths. By default, there are no paths defined.
        paths = {
            static = {
                ["~/.scripts"] = vim.fn.expand("$HOME") .. "/.scripts",
            dynamic = {
                    -- For example add your project folder where you clone all your repos
                    path = vim.fn.expand("~/repos"),
                    scan_depth = 2,
                    use_git = true, -- Only include directories with a .git folder
                    -- Or add your config folder to quickly find your config files
                    path = vim.fn.expand("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"),
                    scan_depth = 1,
    keys = {
            desc = "󱝆 Surf",

⚙ Configuration

Note: The options are also available in Neovim by calling :h file-surfer.options


⌨ Contributing

PRs and issues are always welcome. Make sure to provide as much context as possible when opening one.

  1. make deps to install docs/tests dependencies
  2. make lint to format the code
  3. make documentation to generate the documentation
  4. make test to run the tests

To run the linter you can use this.

lua-language-server --configpath .luarc.json --logpath luals-log --check .

🎭 Motivations

I often found myself wanting to quickly reference or look for snippets in other files from my projects, so I made this to enhance my workflow.

🛣️ Roadmap

  • Rename to file-surfer.nvim (Update Banner)
  • TMUX integration: create new session of selection
  • TMUX integration: create bindings
  • Persist folder_map
  • Simply opts.path to be flat table
  • Support Blob Patterns e.g. ~/.config/*
  • Improve git root finding algo ("lsp" & "pattern")
    • Look for other examples.
  • Support for ~/.dotfiles/ directory
  • doc - Improve
  • README - Add usage
  • README - Add video or gif
  • opts.paths.static - Support single files
  • opts.picker.fzf - Allow to override options to fzf
  • opts.picker - Support telescope
  • opts.picker - Support mini.pick
  • opts.change_dir - If the user returns to the file where the picker was opened, automatically change the directory to the git root of the selected folder (if it is a git repo)