A minimal neovim plugin for taking down notes for git projects and per branch
- Provides a per repository / per branch way of note taking while working on your code with the help of floating windows.
- Supports creating and toggling a separate
file for each branch, if desired. - Extensible note list (daily notes, per-file notes, etc.)
- Neovim >= 0.7.2
Disclaimer: Plugin should work fine with most neovim versions but I have not tested yet
Use your favorite plugin manager to install gitpad.nvim. For example, using lazy.nvim:
config = function()
-- your configuration comes here
-- or leave it empty to use the default settings
-- refer to the configuration section below
keys = {
require('gitpad').toggle_gitpad() -- or require('gitpad').toggle_gitpad({ title = 'Project notes' })
desc = 'gitpad project',
require('gitpad').toggle_gitpad_branch() -- or require('gitpad').toggle_gitpad_branch({ title = 'Branch notes' })
desc = 'gitpad branch',
-- Daily notes
local date_filename = 'daily-' .. os.date('%Y-%m-%d.md')
require('gitpad').toggle_gitpad({ filename = date_filename }) -- or require('gitpad').toggle_gitpad({ filename = date_filename, title = 'Daily notes' })
desc = 'gitpad daily notes',
-- Per file notes
local filename = vim.fn.expand('%:p') -- or just use vim.fn.bufname()
if filename == '' then
vim.notify('empty bufname')
filename = vim.fn.pathshorten(filename, 2) .. '.md'
require('gitpad').toggle_gitpad({ filename = filename }) -- or require('gitpad').toggle_gitpad({ filename = filename, title = 'Current file notes' })
desc = 'gitpad per file notes',
gitpad.nvim comes with the following defaults:
title = 'gitpad', -- The title of the floating window
border = 'single', -- The border style of the floating window. Possible values are `'single'`, `'double'`, `'shadow'`, `'rounded'`, and `''` (no border).
style = '', -- The style of the floating window. Possible values are `'minimal'` (no line numbers, statusline, or sign column. See :help nvim_open_win() '), and `''` (default Neovim style).
dir = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/gitpad', -- The directory where the notes are stored. Possible value is a valid path ie '~/notes'
default_text = nil, -- Leave this nil if you want to use the default text
on_attach = function(bufnr)
-- You can also define a function to be called when the gitpad window is opened, by setting the `on_attach` option:
-- This is just an example
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'q', '<Cmd>wq<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true })
The plugin provides the following methods that you can use to open gitpad or the gitpad branch
-- OR
This plugin is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.