
scripts and tools to survey tor hidden sites

Primary LanguagePython

Tor Survey

Scripts and tools to maintain a database of Tor hidden sites and crawl them for updates.

Current database contains 2313 Tor hidden sites.


  • requesocks - connect to Tor SOCKS server
  • beautifulsoup - pbparse hidden site data


$ git clone https://github.com/nikcub/torsurvey.git
$ cd torsurvey
$ pip install requirements.txt



sh $ ./torsurvey-cli --help

Command line options:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v                    verbose output
  -d                    debug output (Warning: lots of output, for developers)
  --proxy PROXY         proxy string
  --proxy_host PROXY_HOST
                        proxy host (default:
  --proxy_port PROXY_PORT
                        proxy port (default: 9050)
  --proxy_type PROXY_TYPE
                        proxy type (default: http
  --quiet               quite (only error output)

To add onion hosts extracted from a URL:

sh $ ./torsurvey-cli fetch http://url/

To add onion hosts extracted from a local file:

sh $ ./torsurvey-cli --help

List hosts in database:

sh $ ./torsurvey-cli list

Crawl database and update status, title, description and copy of page:

sh $ ./torsurvey-cli survey


Send pull requests of sites.db if you add sites to the database


sql sqlite> .schema sites CREATE TABLE sites (id INTEGER primary key, host text unique on conflict ignore, schema text, title text, content blob, status, integer, checked integer, inserted integer, description text);