
HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Unblur Effect Loading - a mini project that demonstrates one of the neat ways to harness CSS with JS to make loading elements (or even websites in their entirety) clean, modern and beautiful.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Latest Addition: You can now view it online at https://codepen.io/nikczemnydev/details/VwRrpyw

HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Unblur Effect Loading - unblurring animation demo product - web application that gradually unblurs images as they load. Here’s how it works:

Initial Blur: When an image is loaded, it starts off heavily blurred, obscuring the details. Users experience a sense of anticipation as they wait for the image to reveal itself.

Progressive Unblurring: As the image loads, the blur effect gradually diminishes. The transition from blurry to clear creates an engaging visual experience.

Load Indicator: Subtle load indicator accompanies the unblurring process. As the blur decreases, the indicator fades, providing a seamless and elegant user experience. Enhance your website loading with UnblurEffectLoading! 📷✨

What it looks like (please keep in mind GIF color reproduction and framerate are very limited, I highly recommend downloading and running it for yourself, as the GIF conversion really doesn't do this mini project justice): chrome-capture-2023-12-19 (3)


  1. Download index.html, style.css and script.js files.
  2. Put all 3 of them in the same folder (I know it's good practice to use subfolders - I kept it this way for ease of use, which is also why I linked photos online as opposed to local pics.)
  3. Click index.html, it should open in your browser, if it doesn't (maybe because your default .html program is a text/code editor) then drag the index.html file and drop it in your browser window.