Install mininet
mininet script:
- 1 switch, 2 host
- set fail mode to switch: secure/standalone
pingall under secure and standalone fail mode
understand different between secure and standalone fail mode
- Install Ryu
- Write a ryu app:
- controller set two flow entries to each switch
- packet come in from port A packet out to port B
- packet come in from port B packet out to port A
- controller set two flow entries to each switch
- Modify HW1 mininet script ,connect to remote controller
- Modify Mininet script from HW2, switches connect as a link,hosts connect to head and tail switch, user can assign the number of switches when execute script
- This new mininet script should work well with HW2 ryuapp
- controller set a flow entry to each switch
- when receive packet type is LLDP, send to controller
- controller let switches send LLDP packet out to all normal active port after switch connect to controller
- controller need packet in handler to handle lldp packet from switch
- design a data structure to store lldp result
- controller set a flow entry to each switch
- learn how to write and use Ryu RESTful API
- use RESTful API to GET HW3 LLDP topo
- Test for multi controller and try to get topo between different controller
- base on HW3 mininet topo and HW4 Ryu app