
A generic data driven framework which can be used by any project that requires API testing.

Primary LanguageJava


This project provides an example of how to use open source tools like RESTAssured library to write black-box, functional tests for REST APIs in Java.

RESTAssured runs on top of existing Java testing frameworks (JUnit/testNg), and includes a DSL for building API requests and asserting API responses.

In this example project, REST-assured is used to implement a suite of functional tests with builder design pattern for a couple of REST APIs hosted.


* Java 1.8
* Install maven.


* git clone project : git clone https://github.com/nike14/api-test-petstore.git

* cd api-test-petstore

* mvn clean compile


To compile and run the tests from the command line enter the command:

* mvn clean test


Import the generated project into your IDE.

Open the project in your IDE and run the tests contained in one of the aforementioned test classes as you would a testNg test.


Html Reports at the end of execution is available in /target folder with the name `extent.html' with test name, test status, test data and screenshots for failures

Sample Report Screenshot

alt text alt text


Can be directely integrated with CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Travis.CircleCI for deployement and send notifications on Slack, PagerDuty.

Pending Items

  1. Schema validation
  2. Added main negative scenario for empty request(Pending for key combinations)