
Sumo Logic's Scala-based interactive shell framework

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Sumo Logic's Scala-based interactive shell framework

Install / Download

These are the components we provide:

  • shellbase-core_2.11 contains everything you need to make a basic, working shell
  • shellbase-slack_2.11 contains the necessary pieces to post your commands to Slack.


Built-In Commands

  • help / ? - Displays a summary of available commands.
  • clear - Clears the text on the screen
  • exit / quit - Exits the current shell
  • sleep / zzz - Sleeps for the specified duration. Can use compact time: 5m means 5 minutes
  • echo - Writes output to the screen (STDOUT)
  • tee - Lets you fork stdout to a file
  • time - Time how long a command took
  • run_script / script - Execute the specified script. Will attempt to be smart about locating

Example Shell

We've put together a very simple example shell that can generate random numbers.

[Dev] Building/testing locally

To build project in default Scala version:

./gradlew build

To build project in any supported Scala version:

./gradlew build -PscalaVersion=2.12.11

For testing, change your consumer pom.xml or gradle.properties to depend on the SNAPSHOT version generated.

[Dev] Managing Scala versions

This project supports multiple versions of Scala. Supported versions are listed in gradle.properties.

  • supportedScalaVersions - list of supported versions (Gradle prevents building with versions from outside this list)
  • defaultScalaVersion - default version of Scala used for building - can be overridden with -PscalaVersion

[Dev] How to release new version

  1. Make sure you have all credentials.
    1. Can login as sumoapi https://oss.sonatype.org/index.html
    2. Can import and verify the signing key:
      gpg --import ~/Desktop/api.private.key
      gpg-agent --daemon
      touch a
      gpg --use-agent --sign a
      gpg -k
    3. Have nexus and signing credentials in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
  2. Remove -SNAPSHOT suffix from version in build.gradle
  3. Make a release branch with Scala version and project version, ex. shellbase-1.5.5:
    export RELEASE_VERSION=shellbase-1.5.5
    git checkout -b ${RELEASE_VERSION}
    git add build.gradle
    git commit -m "[release] ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  4. Perform a release in selected Scala versions:
    ./gradlew build publish -PscalaVersion=2.11.8
    ./gradlew build publish -PscalaVersion=2.12.11
  5. Go to https://oss.sonatype.org/index.html#stagingRepositories, search for com.sumologic and release your repo. NOTE: If you had to login, reload the URL. It doesn't take you to the right page post-login
  6. Update the README.md and CHANGELOG.md with the new version and set upcoming snapshot version in build.gradle, ex. 1.5.4-SNAPSHOT
  7. Commit the change and push as a PR:
    git add build.gradle README.md CHANGELOG.md
    git commit -m "[release] Updating version after release ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
    git push