
checkers game as a reactJS course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

this is a course on how to build a checkers game using reactJS

We're starting today from a 2p-local game, out goal is to add a basic computer player


  1. review code for 2p-local
  • what are the functions which control the game logic?
  • how will we use them to program the computer player?
  1. 1p v cp local
  • select cp game or 2p local game
  • onUpdate lifecycle -> trigger cp play
  • algorithm for selecting move, test

review code for 2p-local

let's take a quick read through the app, starting with ./src/App.js to understand what the parts are, and how things are running already



import { calculateAllTurnOptions, strictValidMoves } from './util';


we see right away which utility functions we'll be using. Let's take a look at the function signatures for those in ./src/util.js to understand them a bit more



export const strictValidMoves = (pieces, col, row, isJumping)=> {


export const calculateAllTurnOptions = (pieces, player, calculateValidMoves)=> {


so strictValidMoves takes a boardful of pieces, a column & row coordinate, and a boolean of whether we're jumping

probably what this does is tell us for a given piece (given by [col, row]) what the valid moves available under "strict" rules are... isJumping will filter out non-jumps while we're already jumping.

calculateAllTurnOptions takes a boardful of pieces, which player we're asking about, and a function to calculate valid moves with

so we can understand that this function will give us a list of valid moves & multi-jump move options for our computer player to select between.



  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        {this.state.winner ? (
           <div className='winner'>
             { this.state.winner } WINS!
        ) : (
           <Game onWinner={this.onWinner}


we see in the render() function that we're setting some rules and rendering a Game Component... let's take a read there to see how it works



import {
} from './util';


first we see this list of utility functions

what are the functions which control the game logic?

computer player

unit test the cp player, improve cp play

install enzyme

test the entire 2p local flow

mock the network layer and test the cp mode

mock the network layer and test the network 2p mode

integrate to the game server


agenda (contd)

  1. 2p over network
  • assume game server exists
  • create a user UX
  • signin UX
  • create game UX
  • join game UX
  • use network hook to send my moves & load other player's moves
  • chat?
  1. cloud game server
  • aws account
  • dynamoDB
  • POST /user
    • apiGateway, lambda, dynamo table + create call
  • /login -> JWT
    • apiGateway, lambda, dynamo check call
  • POST /game
    • apiGateway + JWT authorizer, lambda, dynamo table + create call
  • /joinTable
    • apiGateway, lambda, dynamo update call
  • PUT /game { move }
    • apiGateway, lambda, dynamo update call
  • GET /game/:id
    • apiGatewat, lambda, dynamo read call
  • chat?