
This repository provides the foundation for working with the F5 Modules for Ansible. The architecture of the modules makes inherent use of the F5 Cloud Services REST APIs.

This repository is an incubator for Ansible modules. The modules in this repository may be broken due to experimentation or refactoring.

The F5 Modules for Ansible are freely provided to the open source community for automating F5 Cloud Services configurations.

Installing the Build

# CASE 1
# To install build from the repository
git clone
cd ./f5-ansible-cloudservices
ansible-galaxy collection build --force
ansible-galaxy collection install f5devcentral-cloudservices-1.0.0.tar.gz -p ./collections/

# CASE 2
# To install from the Ansible Galaxy
# Not yet available
ansible-galaxy collection install f5devcentral-cloudservices -p ./collections/

# CASE 3
# Use Docker and docker-compose
docker-compose up


"-p" is the location in which the collection will be installed. This location should be defined in the path for ansible to search for collections. An example of this would be adding collections_paths = ./collections to your ansible.cfg

Example Playbook

Ansible modules are documented within each module itself. The example below will upload and apply certificate for EAP application.

- name: Apply SSL certificate
  hosts: webservers
  gather_facts: false
    - f5devcentral.cloudservices
  connection: httpapi

    ansible_network_os: f5devcentral.cloudservices.f5
    ansible_host: ""
    ansible_user: ""
    ansible_httpapi_password: "password"
    ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: yes

    - name: Apply SSL Certificate
        subscription_id: "s-xxxxxxxxxx"
        certificate: "{{ lookup('file', './fqdn.cert') }}"
        private_key: "{{ lookup('file', './fqdn.key') }}"
        passphrase: "demo_ansible"
        certificate_chain: "{{ lookup('file', './chain.cert') }}"
        https_port: 443
        https_redirect: true
        update_comment: "update SSL certificate"

Bugs, Issues

Please file any bugs, questions, or enhancement requests by using GitHub Issues


All documentation is available inside the modules

Your ideas

What types of modules do you want created? If you have a use case and can sufficiently describe the behavior you want to see, open an issue and we will hammer out the details.