A curated list of articles and resources to run tech events
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Setting up a Conference
- Putting on a Conference by Jeremy Keith
- How to Plan and Run a Great Conference Experience by Zach Inglis
- How to Organize a Conference: 18 Amazingly Useful Tips by Louis Rosenfeld
- Organising Front-end Meetings or Conferences in Your Own Town by Peter-Paul Koch
- Creating the Schedule by Marc Thiele
- Conferences I Won't Be Speaking At by Karolina Szczur
- Alcohol and Inclusivity: Planning Tech Events with Non-Alcoholic Options by Kara Sowles
- "Help! Someone Has Pointed Out My Conference Has Diversity Issues!" by Ada Rose Cannon
- Conference Speaking, Transparency and Fairness by Rachel Andrew
- Unlocking the Invisible Elevator: Accessibility at Tech Conferences by Liz Henry
Marketing and Advertisement
- Conference Organiser's Handbook - So you want to organise a conference. Great; do it. It’s a lot of work, but it’s also very rewarding, and it will put your city on the map for your topic by Peter-Paul Koch
- Diversity Charter - We care about diversity at conferences and events because we want them to be better for everyone.
- Finding the Right Swag for Your Event - A short article about how to find the right swag for your event and about how to teach your sponsors to also add someting memorable of value for the attendees and something that does not just add to the massive landfill by Marc Thiele
- Diversity Tickets - We help events reach a more diverse audience. And we help you to find these events.
- Papercall.io - The easy way to manage your call for papers
- Ti.to - Simple, powerful, event software—just add people.
- Colloq - Event service for organizers (with call for papers support and more) and for people to find and manage events.
Good Practices
- Awesome Conference Practices - Did you like anything in particular about a conference? Did you hate anything? Let's make organizing conferences an easier task by Kristijan Ristovski
- The Less Obvious Conference Checklist - This is a checklist for conference organisers of less obvious things. It’s easy will remember to book a venue, look for speakers and sell the tickets, but you could overlook many small things that can help your conference stand out. by Sasha Romijn
- Best Practices for Call for Papers - Best practices and some tips to improve your call for papers. by Anselm Hannemann
- Better Feedback for Talk Proposals - Thoughts and suggestions on how to provide better feedback for speakers’ call for proposal submissions. by Holger Bartel
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